Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fun, Busy Summer!

We have had such a crazy fun summer! The kids are all growing and changing so much. To think Presley started the summer not being able to sit on her own and now she is pulling herself up to standing is just insane! It still gets me weepy to think that we created these perfect (most of the time) little angels!
Both boys absolutely adore their little sister. They show it a little differently, Quinten being much more gentle than Godzilla Hudson.
These kids certainly lived the life this summer, going somewhere new and fun almost everyday. Whether it was Sky Zone to jump around or Longwood to feed the crazy catfish and play in the fountains we had a jam packed summer with tons of playdates!
We are SO proud of how much Quinten has tried and experienced this summer. He has become extremely social, talking and making friends without prompting and trying lots of new things.
The boys told Presley all about how much fun they had jumping!
The boys!
Presley started slow with eating something other than milk, but in just 2 short months she has 3 meals a day, her favorites are apples, pears, and cereal.
Although it was a bit more challenging, our trips to the beach were very enjoyable for the most part and the kids were a dream playing, napping, and collecting shells.
It became much easier once Presley could sit on her own.
The kids and I took a trip to Camp Kurash and Quinn walked all the way out on the dock.
Love these pictures of Presley, Bopa, and Quinn. Yellow is definitely my favorite color on her right now and these are "our" favorite jammies!
While we were at Grandma and Grandpa's Daddy made the kids this awesome skateboard swing!
We were all decked out for the 4th of July and went to a party at Lorenzo and Allison's house. 
We all had a great time, but could care less about the fireworks!
The boys (especially Hudson) are obsessed with super heroes. 
Captain America Quinten
We were in awe that he asked to put this costume on, so unlike him.
I guess our baby is growing up!

And of course the ham! Hudson will often run around in super hero capes and masks singing.
"Captain America throws his mighty shield"
Each song has its own dance too!
And some glamor shots of Princess P!
We enjoyed a country boil at Sue and Ryan's a few weeks before Rhett was born.
We also celebrated Quinten's 4th birthday. It is hard to believe he is growing up so fast. We decided to do a swim party, since one of his newest obsessions is the movie Shark Boy and Lava Girl, hence the cupcakes.
It was so cool to see him interact with his friends and even a few school friends were able to make it, although we did summer birthday parties are hard to get people to.
Quinten received so many nice gifts from his friends and some gift cards so I promised him a trip to Toys r Us for the first time. ME and all 3 was so much fun. We spent a good two hours in the store and they did such a good job each picking a toy. The people that worked there were laughing at us, because of the boys enthusiasm over every little thing.
This fireman was made of 1,000s of legos.
Quinten got his first big boy bicycle and helmut although he hasn't officially taken it for a ride yet.
He likes to be very comfortable with things like this before he does them in front of other people. I think we will be practicing bike riding skills all winter in the basement.
He has also told me he doesn't need to take swim lessons because he already knows how to swim.
Apparently he just doesn't like to show anyone this skill?!?
Practicing their kicking skills at Paige and Finn's pool.
Presley was to busy eating to get in the water!
Hudson being a ham as usual.
I love this picture of Presley with Diana. P does not really like to be held by anyone other than Mommy and lets you know it. So this was a rare moment!
One of this summer's highlights was our trip to Brigantine for Tommy and Bethany's wedding.
Quinten used the car ride to practice his body art!
We stayed in a gorgeous home with its own pool house.
We had so much fun, we didn't leave the house to often.
The boys LOVED playing by the pool.
Grandma and Grandpa came with us which was awesome! We had the best vaycay, lots of great family and friend time. We even managed to have a few dates without the kids!
Bopa caught a SHARK!!!

The boys were so excited to see Atlantic City, although they thought it was Gotham City and every speed boat had Batman in it.
The boys LOVEd the doors of the house, they had stained glass mermaids on them.

Another HUGE thing Q did for the first time was got his face painted!
His eyes were blue for days!
Hudson was asleep during the face painting so I attempted to draw a Batman when he got home.
Mom fail!
We went on a trip to the Elmwood Zoo with Paige, Finn, Baby Zoey, and James.
Love this picture of P & H. My beautiful babies!
Also fit in a few trips to the Children's Museum
Hudson was SO upset in this picture because he can't fly like Captain America.
Problems of a 2 year old.
I love how these three are starting to laugh and interact with each other.
Greyson and Presley's first real playdate!
Taco Tuesday! Very exciting Quinten ate his first full taco!