Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, March 20, 2014

9 month update

 My dad and Hudson have a special bond. Every time Grandpa walks in the room Hudson gets all excited and squeals.
 Love how they are looking at each other.
 Jason has been working some insane hours on a case for the past few months, which has been more crazy then we would like to admit. 
The good part is we have had lots of help and visits from GM & GP.
 Totally taking after Daddy as America's next Top Chef!
 Quinten is the best big brother in the world! 
And Hudson just adores him.
 Apparently Q likes to feed everyone.
 Hudson's first white table cloth dining experience!
 Making brownies and...
pepperoni bread for Daddy and his workers
Now that Q and H are in the same size diapers, I guess Hudson wanted to claim this box as his so he climbed on top. He was actually crying in this picture because he was stuck. But of course mean mommy had to snap a pic before helping.

At 9 months you…
~weighs 23 lbs. 9.4oz. (95%) 2'6.24" tall (off the chart) and 17.99" head circumference (69%)

~crawls on all 4s for a few feet
~totally dislikes being made to sit, only happy when walking
~size 4 diapers, 12-18 month clothing

~eats 3-4 solids a day loves bananas, cereal, and yogurt but has tried lots of foods
~3 6oz. bottles a day
~2 1-3 hour naps a day 10ish and 3ish
~Sleeps from 7:00pm - 7:00am
~has slept straight through a few nights (although it was during stomach bug)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

8 months during the Polar Vortex!

We have had some crazy weather this winter. The latest was a power outage from Wednesday morning until Friday afternoon followed by over 16 inches of snow a few days later. As soon as we heard over 700,000 people lost their power we packed up and headed to the beach house for a mini family vacation. Lately I have been feeling like a stay at home mama and loving it!
I'm not the only one who has been enjoying all the family time!
 Happy to be at the beach house and play with "new" toys!
 Hudson thinks splashing his big brother is lots of fun!
 Hudson's first time playing at Browse About, one of our favorite beach stores.
Using Q's toy bin as a walker.

I can't believe in just a few months this little angel face will be a one year old!!!
Hudson was so mad at me that I was making him sit. He LOVES to stand!
Quinten is so into explaining things. He is sitting on the floor playing Barnyard Bingo by himself, but explaining how you play as he goes. It maybe the cutest thing I have ever seen! I don't think we could have made it through so many days in the house without play dough. Quinten sat and played for 4 1/2 hours one morning. Although I've had to vacuum more then I like to admit (hard to believe since I normally like to run it at least every other day), play dough comes out at least 3 times a day. He is also really into his tv shows which has been helpful since Daddy has been working a ton on an important case. He is really into Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Jake & Neverland Pirates, Bubble Guppies, and Dora. He has always been a quirky, silly, little boy. His latest quirk is when he has socks on he takes only one off. When I asked him why he takes it off he replied, "well I have two." Duh mom!?! He says the silliest things and remembers everything. He still talks about the Disney cruise all the time. He was throwing all his toys in the tub and I took a few out, because I thought there were too many. He looked at me shook his head and said, "not cool mom." Who is this kid!?!
Both boys went to the doctor the other day. 
Q weighs 29.5lbs. at 31months and H is 23lbs. at 8 months!!

At 8 months you…
~weighs 23 lbs.

~two bottom teeth
~ still sleeps on his side or belly
~size 4 diaper 12 month clothing
~pulls himself up to standing

~cruises along couch & train table
~army crawls all over the place
~is happiest when he is in his walker
~eats 3-4 solids a day loves bananas, cereal, and yogurt but has tried lots of foods

~3 6oz. bottles a day
~2 1-2 hour naps a day 9:30ish and 2:30ish
~Sleeps from 7:00pm - 7:00am
~wakes up for 10 minutes every night at 1:30am a 6oz. bottle and right back to sleep!
~LOVES anything silly, especially chasing Quinten around the house!