Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Look who is 8 months!

8 months already, where has the time gone!
I know we have said this before, but it just seems like time is passing so quickly.
We truly treasure every minute with our little peanut. It is unbelievable to watch him grow and change. Every day he seems to become a little more independent. It is so cool to see him recognize where certain things are...when we sit in his rocking chair he scoots himself over to the side and then leans over to see his stuffed animals on the floor. Instantly he smiles and laughs to greet them!
Here are some pictures from this month.
 Q is turning into quite the acrobat squirming and arching to get what he wants!
 Monkey Face!
Quinn's look of concentration.
 Playing in his toy basket...looks like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar:)
 Hanging out with Daddy on St. Patrick's Day!
We enjoyed a beautiful weekend at the beach. Chef Jay made us all "green" food...pistachio muffins, corned beef, Irish Soda bread, green chocolate chip mint ice cream and green margaritas!
Quinn had pears and peas;)
Sitting in the big kid tub for the first time. Whaley didn't make the trip to the beach.
Loving some blueberries:)
I took out my phone to make and call and 
Mr. Hambone was all smiles thinking his picture was getting taken!

Quinten skyping with GM Jeanne
 Did you say "Cheese!"
"Okay mom, enough pictures I need to talk to GM!"
"Come on mom PLEASE, 5 more minutes!"
 I LOVE this picture!

We were taking his "8 month" pictures and
 Callie had to get in on the photo shoot!
Best Buds!
8 New Things Quinten does at 8 Months...
1. Sits in the shopping cart when we go food shopping.
(This was a long awaited skill, especially for Daddy!)
2. Quinten has figured out how to look in his mirror in the car to see me when I look back at him.
3. Quinten has found Callie's tail and in general finds her hilarious!
4. Stands up on his own when leaning on something.
5. Eats 3 solid meals a day, along with lots of milk and the occasional teething biscuit.
6. Turns when he hears his name.
7. Looks around for Callie when he hears her collar jingle or her walking on the wood floor.
8. Squirming around like crazy!
Once he figures out how to move, we don't think we will be able to keep up. Quinten is always arching back or leaning forward in order to get or see something out of reach.

8 Things Quinten Loves at 8 Months...
1. His giant stuffed bear (Thanks Uncle Eric)!
Quinten gets such a kick out of playing peek a boo with Big Bear. Even when he is half asleep if he sees Big Bear out of the corner of his eye, he can't help but laugh (makes nap time interesting sometimes)
2. Sophie the Giraffe
Quinn has liked Sophie for a long time, but he now loves her so much, he recognizes her name!
3. Talking...lots of vowel sounds, takes turns. I look forward to our daily conversations on the drive home from school.
4. Crosses his legs/feet. It doesn't matter if he is sitting or laying down...even in the bathtub. He is always chillin' out with his legs crossed.
5. Peek a boo!
6. Banging on everything, even himself!
7. he doesn't like to wear them, if you are wearing one and happen to be holding him, look out!
8. Getting his picture taken, Quinn has turned into quite the ham every time he sees a camera or phone.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Bath Time Fun

Quinten loves bath time...
we recently moved him to the deep end of the tub and he quickly figured out he can reach over to his whale friend and play with the running water. Bath time has reached a new level of fun!

 This is my new favorite picture of him!!
He has also started kicking like Michael Phelps...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

School Newsletter

Quinten is starting to feel better and after a week of fun at home with Grandma Kurash,
he is headed back to school tomorrow.
Although I'm sure he enjoyed all the hugs and kisses he received this week, I know he will be happy to see his teachers and play with his friends!
In addition to Quinten's weekly communication book from his teachers, 
they send out a monthly newsletter to share the activities of the different classes. 
This month Quinten was featured twice!
Quinten and Luke playing and engaging in conversation!
Another month has come and gone too fast here in the Infant Room. February brought red and pink hearts, presidents, and very little snow! It also brought a new friend to our classroom. This month we welcomed Sam and his family. Sam's big brother Harry is in Preschool One and loves helping to drop Sam off in the mornings. We have several older siblings that help out in the mornings by putting bottles away and making sure their baby is set for the day. Our babies also enjoy special visits to their sibling's classroom and being the center of attention there.     
 This month there has been a lot of movement in the Infant Room. Rylan is now exploring all of the play area and, if the gate is open, the cubby area also using his "combat crawl".   Nicholas, Carli, and John are moving about the room by rolling and Laila has added some "scootching" as well. Our babies have been working hard on their sitting skills. Quinten and Chase no longer need the support of a teacher and are sitting like pros. Claire is working on strengthening these skills and is enjoying how much more she can see from that position. Luke and Rylan are often seen sitting together playing with the piano toys or on the musical mat. Tummy time is important for all of our babies so that they strengthen muscles needed to hold their heads up, sit, crawl, and walk. Some of our tummy time is spent having the babies reach and stretch for toys in front of them on the floor, looking at books, and playing on our activity mats.   This also allows them to interact with each other and to make connections with their classmates.                                              
Our "lunch bunch" continues to grow. This month Quinten, Carli, and John joined us at the table. Rylan added sandwich pieces to his menu and Luke likes to show us how delicious yogurt is by finishing every last bit. Chase is exploring different combinations of fruits and grains and seems to enjoy them all. As different foods are added, such as Puffs, table foods and crackers, fine motor skills are developed further and different senses are used.`           

Language is very important and our babies communicate with us and each other through coos, smiles, gestures, and crying. Patrick and Sam quietly coo and are full of smiles when we talk to them. Others have added pointing, waving and clapping to their vocabulary. A favorite time is when we read, sing songs or finger plays. This month "Clap your hands" and "If you're happy and you know it" seemed to be favorites. ``                                                                                                     
This month brought many new developmental milestones to our class and March will be no different. Our babies will continue to grow and develop and amaze us. Until next month....                
Quinten's first day back to school, after being out sick was great he was happy and enjoyed playing!