Family Picture

Family Picture

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Shaving with Daddy

 Love how he is watching Daddy.
 Trying so hard to be a big boy!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Having Fun!

Well I am certainly making up for not taking a whole lot of pictures last month. 
Hudson is just the happiest little boy, it is hard not to keep taking them!
 Hanging out with his new pal Hootie (Thanks Lisa & Finn) and Laughing at Big Brother!
 Making silly faces on the floor with Mommy and Quinten.
 Playdate with Sawyer.
 Tired after his big playdate, Sophie the giraffe and Hudson needed a nap.
He looks so precious I couldn't help but take pictures of him.
I had to giggle because he has his little feet crossed just like Quinten always did does.
 Hudson loves watching his toys move on the play mat cousin Gina gave Quinn.
 Milk Drunk!
 Tummy time with Big Brother!
 Quinten showing Hudson how the car wash works!
 Cooing up a storm!
 Play date at Paige and Finn's house!
Daddy and his very loooong baby boy!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Brothers and Bubbles!

One of our favorite times of the day is bath time!
Apparently this was a pretty deep conversation between the boys!
Love that mouth!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

2 years & 2 months already! A very long & overdue post.

It is so hard to believe how fast time is passing and how big the boys are getting. We are having the best time with them. Quinten loves having Hudson around so much. He is always talking and singing to him. Once in awhile when Q is tired and wants to cuddle and I am nursing Hudson he gets upset, but other then that he hasn't shown any signs of jealousy...yet. I have been getting out of the house with the boys almost every morning. Whether it is Longwood, the museum, or story time at the library having an active morning helps to ensure  a great nap time for all of us!
 A great new find has been story time at Hockessin Library they have a wonderful children's section and then upon some investigation, Q and I found a neat walking trail that connects the library to a park!
We took Grandma to one of our favorite places, I'm not sure who had more fun!
Quinten has been napping near 12:30 and will sleep for 2-3 hours. He sometimes wakes up after an hour or two looking for me. I have been laying down with him and we both get at least another hour of shut eye. Hudson usually falls asleep shortly after Quinn and will also nap for 3 hours. Time management is key during the first hour of nap time if I want to get anything done around the house without the boys. Hence the decline in blog posts!  Night time is still rough, but we are managing. Hudson wakes up every 3 hours to the minute to eat. It is funny to think in about 10 years we will most likely be dragging these same boys out of bed!
Quinn is good about telling us when he is ready for a nap. He usually asks for "un" his word for milk.
The other day he asked to take a nap, while I was feeding Hudson. 
Apparently he couldn't wait for me to go upstairs and fell asleep on the couch.
Quinn is getting sillier by the day.
We attempted to use a binkie with Hudson. He wanted no part of it. Quinn however was very intrigued by them and thinks its hysterical to put one in his mouth and run around the house. 
Much like "Pizza Day" Quinn loves "Salad Day" as he calls it every time we eat salad for dinner.
I got tired of him digging through mine with his chubby little hands so he now gets his own. 
When this toddler is not eating he is talking up a storm or singing.
A few new favorites are "wook mommy" when he does something he wants us to see,especially his art work. "Mommy where are you mommy?" and his favorite phrases "what dat doe?" when he wants you to tell him what something is and "dare it is". He recently started watching tv for more then a few minutes and somehow has become obsessed with Barney. The only good that has come from this are the adorable songs (Mr. Sun).
One of the biggest challenges that has started is discipling Q.
We have started time out mainly for hitting and throwing.
It is very easy to tell when Q is either over tired or has gone too long without eating, mainly that's when we most often see these two behaviors. Luckily they are easy fixes, but getting him to understand that they are inappropriate is difficult.
Here he was throwing a temper tantrum because he didn't want to take the Bubble Guppy stickers off his belly before taking his bath. I couldn't stop laughing so I took a picture, both of which made him more upset:(
Q was surprised with lots of Birthday presents and a visit from Grandma & Grandpa and a package from Gramps!
His favorite present this year was his new guitar!
We celebrated with friends by having a "Baby Q". We invited a few close friends over for a bbq to celebrate Hudson's arrival and Quinten's birthday.
Complete with burger Bday cake and all!
We all had a great time and it was so good to see our friends!
 Although Q was afraid to blow out any candles, the lesson about fire being hot has really stuck!
He ate and enjoyed cake for the first time!
Breakfast of champions...more cake!
As for little brother, Hudson is getting bigger by the day!
This is my favorite outfit on him!
Hudson had a case of baby acne an some heat bumps on his face a lot of his first month and I didn't take as many pictures of him as I should have. It has seemed to clear up nicely, but he does get an occasional flare up when he gets overheated.
We have missed being at the beach all summer this year, but we were happy to take a trip up north. 
Our vacation started in the Poconos. 
Quinten enjoyed cleaning out Bopa's hot tub more then swimming in it for sure!
We left Callie with Grandma and Bopa as we headed to Connecticut to stay aboard Grandma Kathy and Mark's boat.
Quinten was greeted by his new stuffed kitty (which he named Roncaca or Veronica) and his new boat jacket.
Quinten loved being onboard and seeing all of the cool sites Captains Cove had to offer, but he was definitely not a fan of wearing his boat jacket.
As for us, we were able to enjoy our first night out together without the boys.
Jason's high school reunion happened to be about 50 yards from where Carina was docked so it was a short walk back if Grandma Kathy and Mark needed us. But sure enough they were fine.
Taking the dingy over to shore to collect shells.
Daddy and Hudson onboard Carina.
Of course he had to wear a pirate onesie.
Change my bootie!
Some more pictures aboard Carina...
 Between the boats and the ducks Quinten had a difficult time giving up the sightseeing to stick to his normal nap schedule. He fell asleep in the dingy so Daddy and I enjoyed a beer before waking him up.
 Fist pumping!
 And the new favorite giving elbows!
 Thank you Grandma Kathy and Mark for an super time.
We managed to get the whole Kusheba clan together for lunch at Uncle Michael's restaurant before leaving CT.
Last year Quinn and I took the Cape May Ferry over to visit the Neebs on their annual trip to Wildwood. Since a beach day was out of the question for us, they came for a visit. It was so great to see everyone. Quinten and Aiden were so cute running around together and Ainslie is getting so grown up.

Some pictures of Mr. Hudson this month.
Hudson has the same "stork bite" that Quinten had.
Quinten will often point to it and say boo boo.

Here are some things about Hudson this month and last...
At 1 month you...
~have been to the doctor twice at your one month checkup you weighed 10lbs. 3.9oz (59%), height 1' 9.89" (65%), and head circumference 37cm (42%).
~decided that getting your diaper changed and getting undressed are not your favorite things.
~eat like Hungry Hungry Hippo every 2-3 hours. You gulp down milk as quick as possible sometimes you choke.
~didn't throw a fit when given a bottle.
~have mastered burping and farting!
~can follow the sound of familiar voices by moving your head back and forth.
~can hold your head up pretty good for a minute or two.

At 2 months you...
~are 2.25 feet tall (92.8%) weight 12 lbs. 11oz (59%) and head circumference 39cm (46%) at 2 months Quinn was just making it onto the growth charts reaching 25% in all areas!
~started to get a little chunky in your legs and already have quite the buddha belly.
~have already moved onto 3 month clothes and are in size 1 diapers.
~don't mind diaper changes as much any more.
~don't like being left in a room by yourself, and aren't afraid to tell us.
~love "talking" to us, the cooing and smiling have started.
~eat every 3 hours to the dot, even at night.
~love laying belly down when you are being held.
~your big brother. When Quinten is around you already turn your head to see where that little voice is coming from. The feeling is mutual, Quinten always needs to know where Hudson is.
~you are beginning to enjoy alone time in your new egg. Grandma & Bopa surprised us with the coolest new contraption for babies on our trip up to the poconos. The egg has a smooth ride simulating a car and makes all sorts of noises.
Quinten weighed 27 lbs. at his 2 year checkup!
He knows most of his colors, sings the ABCs, recognizes the letter Q and know his name starts with it, and can count up to 10 without help.
He sings so many songs, jumps, does "push ups," "jumping jacks," lunges & squats, runs, walks backwards on his heels, tries to do headstands with one leg in the air,
and does some yoga poses (tree is his favorite!).
He loves shredded wheat, waffles and bananas for breakfast. Apples, grilled cheese, chicken and basically anything else he could dip in ketchup for lunch or dinner. And still enjoys his warm milk or un as he calls it before bed.
and studious!

We are so lucky to have these two little angels in our life. Can't wait to see how they grow and become best buds!
 Quinn showing Hudson the boat him and Grandma made.
I love how Hudson is looking at Q in these pictures!
Teaching Hudson how to do a headstand!