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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Month 3!

September 19th-October 18th
Are you kidding me?!?!
Is this the cutest face you have ever seen!!!!

Our friends Rocky and Nina just bought a new house, so we went over for Sunday dinner. Nina's parents "Dus and The Jet" joined us! The food was delicious and their home is gorgeous, 4 bedrooms for just the two of them...hmmmmmm!
Today was kind of rainy but we headed to Mommy and Me anyway. I'm so glad we did. I have been feeling a little lost lately with how fussy Q has been, but seems like most women are in the same boat.  Glad to know I'm not the only one feeling this way. Maybe he is not really that fussy, maybe this is just how babies act.  We haven't really been around that many babies, so who knows.  After class we took a trip to Babies r Us, which they conveniently located right across the street from the hospital...seriously...why wouldn't we go shopping there after class?!? I bought a new swing for Q, one that is portable so we can take it with us.  He LOVES to be in his swing!

Hardest day ever!!!
Quinten started crying today and I'm not sure if he stopped:(
I took his temp...nothing! 
Luckily Q has a doctor appointment in a few days so we can talk to Dr. Walter about it.
It makes me so sad when I can't figure out what is bothering him.  I put him in the bjorn, grabbed a pumpkin latte and started walking. We walked around the neighborhood for over an hour.  It seemed to calm him and he took a pretty good nap.  The neighbors probably thought I was a crazy lady because I was just wandering around with no planned route. At the end of the day, I'm not sure who was more exhausted Q or me.  Walking like this will definitely help me get back in shape thats for sure..
When I finally came downstairs after getting him down for bed, I was pleasantly surprised with chicken marsala, butternut squash ravioli and a glass of pinot grigio...thanks Chef Jay!
Good way to end a tough day!
He slept right through me taking the bjorn off:)
 Although we didn't sleep much last night, we had a big day ahead of us!
I had to go to the doctor for my flu shot and had planned on stopping by Springton to visit my co-workers. Before we left I gave Quinten a nice warm bath and fed him. Well he must have still been exhausted from the day before.  He slept through my doctor visit and most of our school visit.
Quinten woke up after about a 3 hour nap, just in time for Meg to feed and burp him!
It was good practice for her.  She is expecting her first baby in just 2 short months.
Yeah, another play pal for Q!
Well Quinten made up for not sleeping to good last night.  He slept from 10:00pm-2:45am got up to eat and then from 3:15am-7:00am.
Best night sleep ever! Let's hope it lasts!
Honestly, even with getting up as much as we do.  We are very lucky that Quinn falls right back asleep after he eats. He seems to be a good sleeper, just wakes up a lot.
I love living in Delaware, but after having Quinten I really miss being close to my mom and dad, luckily we have been seeing a lot of them. We headed back up to the Poconos the weekend of the 23rd.  Andi, Scott and the kids made a trip up from West Palm for Aiden's Christening. This was probably the worst drive we have ever had up, eva! It was very rainy and took 3 hours. Being the smart mommy I am (ha! how quickly it changes, yesterday I was the worst!) I gave my little angel baby a warm bath before the ride and he slept the entire way! We enjoyed Saturday with my parents and Sunday we were off to the baptism.  I think my dad was a little anxious about us taking the baby with us.  He thought he would get to fussy and cry in church.  Well, did Quinten our precious little angel ever prove him wrong.  He was SO well behaved, he didn't make a peep all through the service and the luncheon that followed. He seemed to love the lights in church, maybe he'll have to start going with GM Jeanne on Sundays.  He also slept the entire way back to Wilmington. Is my angel baby back for good!?!?
We went to Mommy and Me and Q was the fussiest I have ever seen.  His gas was out of control and it was keeping him from his nap. Overtired Quinn = Very unhappy Quinn.  It is AMAZING how a sweet, precious, darling, little boy could let out the sounds of an old man!
I wish I could figure you out.  It seems like you are done eating, cry for more, but won't drink any.

Trip to the hospital:(
We went to Dupont Children's Hospital today (9/27/11) for Quinten's upper GI test.  Jason and I felt like we were at the movie theater.  As soon as you walk in they have fresh popcorn popping and a barista in the lobby?!? Seriously how hard is it to tell your kid no to that...or your forever hungry wife;) We weren't suppose to feed Q for 4 hours before the test...yeah, right...he eats every 1 1/2 hours..well of course we I ended up cheating some, 2 hours and 45 minutes is long was only to ensure that he would drink the barium and he did just fine.  I was extremely apprehensive about the test. But once we got there it wasn't scary at all.  They even put a baby hospital gown on Q...very cute (wish we had a picture) but honestly he is cute in everything!
It was sad to think of the little babies that were sick and had to stay in the hospital:( and we were thankful to hear good results and get out of there.
Passed that delicious buttery smell again:p

First trip to the Zoo!
Andi is in town for work again and this time Scott and the kids came with her.  So Scott, me, Ainslie, Aiden and Quinten headed to the Philly Zoo.  Scott and I were both kicking ourselves for forgetting our bjiorns, not bad for me to carry around little Q, but Aiden is practically a teenager he is so big! Quinn was cranky at first. He doesn't totally love the jogging stroller yet, but once he ate, he slept most of the day. My Goddaughter, Ainslie, had fun feeding the animals and riding on a camel.
Q practicing his baby yoga!

Best buds already!
Not sure who is having more fun Scott or Ainslie!
After a looooong day at the zoo, I'm not sure who was ready for bedtime more me or Quinn.  Unfortunately, he got me up 6 times throughout the night...fortunately he is SOOO stinking cute when I come in his room and he gives me that big gummy grin, it makes it a whole lot easier to keep going!
Ainslie's bday was in August but since Kara and I couldn't celebrate with her we decided to throw her a party while they were in PA.
Jason and I made Mickey Mouse cupcakes for the party!
She They LOVE Disney;)
 "Can someone please tell my mommy to take this stupid hat off of me?"
"Much better!"
Party Animal!

This was the first really cold day! Quinn and I had a lazy Sunday morning, while Jason went to the gym.   We ran errands in the afternoon, food shopping and lunch at Panara. Quinn did a great job being out and about. We are going to give a more structured bed time a try...I need more sleep! We gave Quinten a bath, put on his ceiling projector while he got his baby massage, fed him, and read Goodnight Moon
It worked!
Quinten slept 4 hours ate and then slept another 3 1/2! We will try the bed routine again...
Night two of good sleep! 5 hours and then 2 1/2 more! Housten we have lift off!
The bedtime routine really seems to have helped us all sleep better.  We started it a little earlier and it seems to work even better. Now we have to work on napping!

We took a long walk around Brandywine Park today with our neighbor Lisa and her son Finn. We met at the mommy and me class.  Very cool to have met somebody that lives so close with a baby near the same age.  We have a LOT in common, kind of freaky!

We headed to the beach for a pre-anniversary weekend!
The weather was absolutely beautiful. We spent Saturday walking around shopping.  Quinten LOVES being carried in the Baby Bjorn. We went to the Greenman for lunch, one of our favorite eateries in Rehoboth, delicious! We took Callie to the beach to play and laid Q in the sand for the first time. He seemed to like it!
Kathy and Mark came up, from Annapolis, to visit before they set sail for the winter!
Quinten went to the Starboard for his first Bloody Sunday!
I enjoyed the eggs delmarva, Kathy snuggled with Quinn,
while Jason and Mark took advantage of the make your own Bloody Mary Bar!
Q bellying up to the bar!
I can't believe it has been one year already!
My parents had given us a segway tour of the museum district in Philly for Christmas and there hadn't been a good time to use it before now. It was SO much fun! We may have to purchase these in the future!!!
Grandma Jeanne came down Sunday night wearing her "Grandma on Duty" sweatshirt ready to babysit!
It was the longest Jason and I had been away from Quinn.  We all did great! My mom got Q to drink from a bottle which he is NOT a fan of and take a two hour nap. When we got home, Quinten and I took  a walk with my mom to get pumpkin lattes (my favorite thing about fall!) We showed Grandma how much Q likes bath time and once he fell asleep, Jason and I went out for a nice tapas dinner!
This was SUCH an amazing day!!!

Quinten turns 3 months old!
Quinten gained about 2 lbs. this month. He now weighs 12.7lbs.

3 new things Quinten did this month...
1. Smile socially, the smiles have been coming more and more.
2. Coos, so have the noises coming out of this little guy. It is amazing how one little sound can make our day!
3. Kicks his seems like Q can't be still for more than a second.  His legs are constantly in motion...maybe he will be a runner, kicker, swimmer???

3 things Quinten loves at 3 months...
1. His fish mobile on his crib & ceiling fans, even when Q is in the saddest of moods he smiles when he sees his fish! (Thanks Tucker and Michelle) We could save a LOT of money on toys and just buy lots of ceiling fans.  Luckily we have one in every both houses!
2. His changing table, Quinten LOVES to be on his changing table.  He loves it even more if I ask him if he has stinky pants...I know strange, but he smiles every time:)
3. Taking a nap in the Baby Bjorn. When I'm having a hard time getting him to take his afternoon nap.  The bjorn always comes to the rescue!

Something that helped me a LOT this month was I started going back to yoga.
Even though I worked out throughout my pregnancy, I couldn't take yoga classes because of the heat.  Practicing at home just isn't the same.
It gives me a chance to stay balanced and have V time and it gives the boys a chance to bond.
Plus the studio is next to a burrito place and Jason loves when I come home with dinner!