Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1st trip to the ER...

The past few weeks Quinten has had a "cold" initially the doctor put him on a nebulizer, then last week after some green, goopy eyes he was prescribed amoxicillin and ear drops. It was hard to tell how he felt, since he can't tell us and the whole time he has been his smiling, playful self. He has not been sleeping at night good at all, but everything we read says babies sleep patterns change, growth spurts, teething, coughing...who knows why. Monday night he we were up most of the night. Dr. Jason made the excellent choice to try the nebulizer in the morning and since Quinten seemed himself for the most part, we went on with our normal to school he went. We spoke to his teacher throughout the day to check in on him, other than coughing he seemed fine. Shortly after picking him up, he was wheezing. I immediately called his doctor, and long story short we ended up at A.I. Dupont Children's Hospital emergency room:( The nurses and doctors all loved his smile and commented numerous times on what a trooper he was for feeling so yucky!
Quinten giggling when the nurse was tickling his feet!
Quinten had a lot of mucus build up in his chest and the doctors did a deep suction. They put a thin tube up his nose to suck the goop out. I'm not sure who was more upset by this him or me. I have never felt so helpless in my life, but knew he would feel so much better afterward. After the suction and a breathing treatment his oxygen levels looked good and he was discharged 3 hours later:)
Quinten snuggling with sicky Elmo!

I never thought I had this much love to give until Quinten came along. He has taught me that my heart and my ability to love is not fixed, it grows and grows and grows. I never imagined it was possible, but everyday we love him even more!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

7months WOW!!

Guess who is 7 months...
 I AM!!!!
 We have had a busy month...and we have been taking LOTS of pictures with our new camera!
It took me a while to post these, because I was fighting with a photo website I use to put pictures into collages...the website collages this post:(
But LOTS of pictures!
Quinten has really taking a liking to Callie.
I guess we can't blame her for licking him so much...he does ask for it!
 Quinten and Callie having an after school conversation!
Quinten was channeling his inner Tom Cruise "Risky Business" by diaper dancing!
He loves to be naked!!!
 You talking to me?!?!
Quinten is growing so much he went to the doctor on 2/23/12 and now weighs 16.5 lbs.
He is growing out of so many of his clothes, which is kind of sad:(
I decided to clean out his closet...(Grandma Kurash if you are reading...we needed your help with this!)
As you can see by Quinten's expression, it was an exhausting task!

Andi, Scott and the kids were up from West Palm, so we went up to Big Boulder for a playdate!
Emma  & Quinn
Ainslie, Emma & Quinn
Ainslie & Quinn
 Ainslie, Emma, Brody & Quinn
Aiden & Quinten

Quinten slept both ways in the car to and from Big Boulder and was playing and laughing the whole time we were there. He is really starting to love watching and playing with other kids. It is really cool to see his reactions to them!

Hanging out with daddy!
Do you think we look alike?

7 New Things Quinten does at 7 Months...
1. Quinn eats solid food for breakfast and lunch. He has had a variety of sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, green beans, pears, and apples. But his favorite is still cereal. In fact, you will only eat some veggies and fruit if we mix it with your cereal:p
2. Sitting up, totally mastered this skill this month!
3. Skyping, we started skyping a lot this's fun for family to see him in action.
(This has lead to Love #3)
4. Two bottom teeth popped up this month! (you could see them if you look close in below picture)
5. Makes a monkey face...Quinten has a certain look when he is concentrating, that resembles a monkey.
6. Splashing in the tub!
He has started slapping things with his hand...this is most fun when he is hitting the water in the tub!
7. Sticks his tongue out, to the side...constantly...if he is not smiling the tongue is out!
7 Things Quinten Loves at 7 Months...
1. Smile:)
Quinten maybe one of the happiest babies I have ever seen.
2. Callie, he is obsessed with her and the two of them have conversations for several minutes a day.
3. The computer...loves the screen (especially when a familiar face is talking on it) and touching the keys.
4. Cell phones, every time he sees one he wants to get his hands mouth on it.
5. His soon as he gets to school and sees them he smiles and when it is time to go home, they are the recipients to his open mouth kisses!
6. Going new places, he loves to look around and see new things.
7. Quinten loves to wake up several times a as much as we would love to get longer periods of sleep, it is fun snuggle time!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Quinten's first Valentine for his daddy!
We had lots of fun making this...and turning our white tub red!!!
Quinten had Valentine's Day fun at school.
Our little King of Hearts!

Mommy's beautiful flowers:)
Jason and Quinten surprised me with these gorgeous orchids when I got home from work. Quinten fell asleep early so that Mommy and Daddy could enjoy a delicious sushi dinner and a glass or two of wine:)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of Firsts!!!

Guess who has his first tooth?!?!
We noticed Quinten's first tooth popping up Thursday after school.
He wasn't fussy at all strange enough the only clue was that he out of the blue had diaper rash?!?

Quinten also tried pears for the first time...although from his reaction, I don't think he is a fan!

He was a little fussier by Sunday morning and we saw a spot of blood so 
I think his second tooth is soon to follow!

Guess who can now sit!!!
Quinten started sitting on Wednesday and by Sunday he had it mastered!
He was even able to sit and play with other kids.