Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, December 21, 2013

How did 1/2 a year fly by?

I can not believe Hudson is 1/2 year old!
He is growing so much and making us laugh even more. 
He went for his 6 month check up and the doctor couldn't help but laugh with him. 
All he does is smile and babble. He rarely cries during the day. He isn't the greatest sleeper, still wanting a bottle at 12 and 4, so that is mainly when he tells us he is unhappy.
The doctor said he is clearly big enough (85% in every category) to not need milk at night and go right to 3 meals a day. We had tried cereal, banana and avocado last month but he didn't seem to be that into it. I guess we will have to try harder:)
Hudson is now the size that Q was at a year!!!
How big is Hudson?
SOOOO big!!!!
Most of this month was spent getting ready for the holidays.
I LOVE these jammies GM & GP brought back from Alaska. Unfortunately giant baby is already busting out of them:(
Brotherly love:)
Helping Daddy with our second snow fall!
Looks like it is going to be  snowy winter.
Santa came to visit the model home in our development. 
This gave Hudson a one on one meet and greet and our own photo shoot.
As for Quinn, his dislike for picture taking continues and he hid in the kitchen eating while the camera was out. Although he did manage to tell Santa that he would like the Toy guys for Christmas.

We had a fabulous time at second chance Christmas this year. Uncle Pat and Aunt Suzanne hosted and went above and beyond! Although the drive was one of the worst taking over 3 hours because of traffic. We all had a great time once we got there.
The boys LOVED Coco, Q even asked Uncle Pat if he could take him home.
Quinten and Ella being silly!
Since Ella is 9 months older then Q, this is the first time they have been together that they really played with each other, instead of just next to each other. It was awesome and we look forward to many more play dates.
At 6 months you…
~Weigh 19 lbs. 8.88 oz. and are 27.4 inches tall
~still love standing up, can stand leaning on to something by yourself but only for a short time before you fall to the side
~rolls over both ways
~drooling like a maniac
~sleeps on his side or belly
~size 3 diaper 9-12 month clothing
~laughs all the time
~started eating solids
~2 1-2 hour naps a day 9:30ish and 2:30ish
~falls asleep by himself in crib 7:15pm and sleeps til about 7:00am, but wakes up 2x each night
~happiest baby ever!!!!

As for big brother, Mickey has become his baby. He takes him every wear and puts his pjs on when it's nap and bed time. Likes to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Barney, Wiggles, and of course Toy Story movie...
He has also become obsessed with Toy Story and asks many times a day if Santa is going to bring the Toy guys for him.
Quinten spends most of his day singing everything and anything!
It is amazing how much he talks some of his newest phrases that crack us up when he says them are, 
"no I don't," "how's that sound," and "what did you say."
Quinten is extremely schedule oriented.
He likes to know what we are doing for the day and will often repeat back what we are doing all day, "after nap we will eat and then Grandma and Grandpa are coming."
The other day he was sitting on the counter and threw an orange. Cracking up laughing he said, "that was funny mommy". I responded with, no it wasn't. He then turned to me and said, "yes mom it really was!" Of course I laughed out loud. I told him what he said was really funny but throwing the orange was not.
This whole discipline thing is going to be an adventure!

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Like most other families we know we have a little visitor living with us for a few weeks. 
Apparently Hudson thought Elfie's job looked fun and 
wants to know if he could be one of Santa's elves;)
Elfie flies to the North Pole each night and reports if Quinten has been naughty or nice. He then picks a new place to sit in our home. He has been pretty creative with his selections so far and Quinten enjoys looking for him each morning. 
Last Saturday evening there was a knock at the door and when Quinten opened it he was greeted by a letter from Santa. 
 He has been a very good boy lately...
Hudson wants to make sure Santa knows that he has also been nice by giving not so subtle hints.
We went to the tree farm right before our first big snowstorm and found the perfect tree.
 It ended up snowing more then 8 inches in just a few hours. That's more then it snowed all last winter!
We enjoyed the day of being stuck inside, painting, and decorating.
 We are looking forward to only one more week of work and 
then 2 long weeks of family fun over the holidays!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We had such a wonderful holiday. By far favorite holiday time of year, other then the cold weather.
Grandma and Grandpa came the day before and we were able to enjoy time with them for a few days.
Quinten LOVES "helping" Grandpa with any little job around the house and Hudson's smile lights up the room as soon as he sees his Grandma.
Our Little Turkeys!
 Our neighbors came over to enjoy the scrumptious snackatizers Grandma made.
Then it was time for Daddy's delicious turkey dinner.
 Hudson tried to sneak a taste of turkey;)
 Flapping his wings!
 Playing with Grandpa
Snuggling with Grandma
 Now it is time to get ready for the Man in Red!
It is getting cold quick!
 We even managed to fit in a trip to the tree farm to pick out our tree!!!
Jason and I are blessed in many ways and have SO many things to be thankful for.
 But most of all for our 2 beautiful, little angels !
We thank everyone for being apart of our lives.
Happy Holidays

Sunday, November 24, 2013

5 month recap

Halloween has come and gone. 
Jason outdid himself with our jack-o-lanterns this year.
 This picture doesn't do them justice.
The one on the right is biting a smaller jack-o-lantern.
Here is a better picture of the middle one. It is a white skull pumpkin inside of the cracking jack-o-lantern.
We had to decide who would stay home and who would take our little pirate trick or treating. Jason stayed at the house with our treats, to include apple pie moonshine, for the parents that were out and about. Q and I made our way around the development. 
He much more enjoyed seeing all the kids come to our house.
Hudson on the other hand, had a rough Halloween week.
He seemed a little fussy on Tuesday, which is very out of his character, so I knew something was up. On Wednesday he woke up with a puffy eye. I took him right to the doctor and they determined it was caused by a cold settling in his ear.
This is what it looked like the day we went to the doctor.
Two days later and some antibiotics and it was already going back to normal.
We managed to get a few trips in to orchards this fall. Q loves going to the "farm" to see the animals and pumpkins.
I started back to work this month, which has been bitter sweet. Our neighbor, Allison, is watching the boys which we all love. Quinten tells me to go to work so he can go play at her house, extremely different then him screaming getting dropped off at school.
We are all adjusting fairly well, except for the sleep deprivation thing.
I am not happy when I don't have a few hours of sleep in the morning and Hudson has gotten into a routine of waking up hungry near 4am, which means that's what time I get up for the day, not fun!
By the time I get the boys after school everyone is over stimulated and over tired. 
So weekdays have been tough.
Thank goodness for the weekends!
Everyone sleeps better and is in much better moods.
It is unbelievable that Hudson is already 5 months. He is the sweetest baby! He spends most of his days laughing, smiling and watching his big brother.
 Trying to hold his own bottle.
 Already loving standing in the walker and moves backwards when he is in it.
We had a visit from Rocky and Nina this weekend.
Crazy to think it was a year ago that they were gracious enough to let us live there while our house was being built. CRAZY!!!
 We also took a ride up to Connecticut to celebrate Aunt Jody's 50th bday.
Here she is listening to Hudson "talk" while Q loves Honey.
Checking out Honey's crate.
 Gramps & Hudson
 Some other pictures from this month...
 We recently misplaced Hudson's Sophie Giraffe and he is beside himself:(
Luckly he doesn't stay upset for very long!
 Who is walking who?!?
 Hudson has tried cereal, bananas and avocado.
He loves his bottles but hasn't embraced food like Q did at this age.
 Bath time is becoming more and more fun with kicking and splashing water all over.
 Apparently this striped shirt wasn't decorated enough. Soon after getting dressed, he went in his playroom and came out with his own design!
 This is after his very first haircut without crying!!!
Loving the green hair gel.
The lady that cut his hair was named Rosa, incidentally so is our cleaning lady...
I think he thought is was the same person that's why he didn't shed a tear:)

At 5 months you...
~love standing up
~rolls over from belly to back
~drooling like a maniac
~size 3 diaper 6-9 month clothing
~kick your legs in bathtub
~smiles almost all day
~not sleeping good at all:(
~growing lots of blonde hair
~happiest baby ever!!!!