Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Our big boys!

We have had quite an eventful few weeks. Both boys hit major milestones within the same few days.
We are so proud of both of them.
Hudson is an official walker runner! 
His gross motor skills are incredible. I have read that young children focus on either motor skills or language first. (Quinten was definitely a linguist first.) They don't typically excel at both simultaneously.  Although he is starting to say a few more words (his newest is nigh nigh, for night night, and he lays down like he is going to bed after he says it.) he is really taking off physically. Everyone who meets him comments on his size:) He is able to go up and down (on his belly) stairs independently, climbs up onto almost everything and anything (including his bathroom sink), dances, puts on hats and sunglasses, and tries to jump. He loves slides and can get into his play swing by himself. A few of his favorite toys are stacking rings and he loves taking anything out of a container and putting it back, which is very helpful at cleanup time! If you give him a basket of items he is easily entertained for a half hour. We really lucked out again when it comes to him self entertaining. He already plays for long, 1/2 hour to an hour, period of time independently!
Apparently he has also figured out how to use the kegerator!
This one is going to give us a run for our money!
Our big boy on the other hand has turned 3 and is finally POTTY TRAINED!!!!
I was waiting until summer to embark on this adventure, so we could dedicate some time to it. He woke up one Monday morning and asked me if he went on the potty could he have a special treat. I went with it! We spent that whole day and the next 3 pant less, I reminded him often the first day to go sit on potty and try. By the end of the first day, I thought it was going to be the hardest thing, very time consuming. I had gone up to put Hudson for a nap and he had an accident (pooped on the floor! He said it fell right out of his butt LOL!). But by mid day 2, he was running in on his own. He even pooped in the potty while I was upstairs! We played outside a LOT for the next few days, had a few accidents, but by day 4 we were going on playdates to our neighbors, walking around the block and he was very successful. 
We planned to spend the next week at the beach which worried me. I took his little seat cover and gave him the option to use it in the sand or hold it until we walked up the dune to a bathroom. Q chose to wait and we were on the beach for 7 hours, took one successful trip to the bathroom, had a 2 hour nap and NO accidents! Way to go Quinn! He has had a few dry nights and long car rides but we are still putting on a diaper just in case.
We didn't experience the "terrible twos" at all with Q, in fact 2 was an adorable age filled with cute sayings and new beginnings. But the closer we got to 3 the more independence he seems to be seeking out. And it seems this whole discipline thing is going to be a treat!
Quinten did make a huge discovery this month.
Looking down at his arm one day in shear amazement he screamed out, "look Mom, I have hair!"
Too stinking cute!
Hudson lets out a little yelp when he hasn't seen Q for awhile (after nap or in the morning) and runs for a hug! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks.
Enjoying rides and ice-cream on the boardwalk while big brother naps.
 Learning colors with Grandpa (still his favorite person, by far!)
 "See Ma, I still fit!?!"
 Nakey boys having fun singing in the mirror.
Ready for my first scuba lesson.
 Totally getting into superheros!
 Our little monkey getting as close as he can to Mickey!
He comes running into the room when he hears Mickey's voice.
Car painting buddies!
We checked out the new bounce house, play gym that opened across from our beach us.
Lots of fun, perfect for a rainy beach day!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Baby Bean #3

Never a dull moment with the Kusheba clan, it seems as things start to settle a new adventure begins. Jason and I are blessed yet again this time expecting a winter baby!
We recently had our first trimester genetic screening and after being scared and reminded 
how old I was, everything came back great. 
Although the baby is due on Christmas Day,
our doctor bumped us up and scheduled baby #3's arrival for December 18th.
The day after Bopa's birthday!
Someone is NOT happy about giving up his crib!