Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

3/4 of a year!

It is unbelievable to already start thinking about what we are going to do for Quinten's 1st birthday, but the big day will be here before we know it!!!
We can not believe that he is already 9 months old!
His personality is growing more and more each day, it is so much fun to watch him grow and play. Quinten continues to be such a happy baby, although this month brought new frustrations for him. He is at the stage where he wants to get to something, but hasn't figured out quite how to get there. We definitely think he will skip crawling and move right on to walking! He has started pulling himself up to a standing position and will even move around a little once he is up. Of course this gives me huge anxiety...I know he will get his share of bumps and bruises over the next few years, but for now this new mommy will continue to surround him with pillows:)

Quinten LOVES music and somehow already has a favorite tv show!
We are not huge tv people, however, we have caught Bubble Guppies a few times and every time it comes on Quinn starts his "I'm excited dance." We have even used the song to help on long car rides, even when he is upset he will stop crying and smile when Bubble Guppies comes on.

Notice how he gets excited and starts dancing because he thinks the song is going to start and then he stops and cute!!!

Apparently, he earned his first nickname at school the other day,  "DJ Skull Baby!"
We dress him in a lot of baby surf/punk clothes with skull and bones on everything.
Well, his teachers put some music on and all of a sudden Q started showing off his moves to the other babies. They said they were cracking up! Quinn truly was having a great time dancing. His favorite move is fist pumping:)
 Quinten is big enough to finally use the shopping cart cover and sit like a big kid for our Sunday food shopping outings. I think Daddy was most excited, this was one of his picks from our registry!
We got to use it again, this time on a high chair...
 First time at Grotto Pizza with Dave and his girls...
Q was trying to get in on the senior discount.
While we were at the beach for spring break, Quinn decided he was tired of the usual vowel sounds and started babbling "dadada" it was AMAZING!!!
Now when he "talks" it seems like there is some sort of meaning behind what he is babbling. Super cool!
Being at the beach for the week, made this little family VERY excited for this summer!
I can't wait to spend everyday home with my little monkey:)
 First day back to school after spring break, Quinn was to into the toys to look up.
Loving the ball pit at school!
 We decided to get some updated pictures done while we were out about one day...had to get some in his "caddy shack" outfit, as daddy calls it!
Happy Family:)
The photographer forgot to load our favorite family pic on the cd...
he is sending it, so hopefully I'll get it posted in a few days.
Like father, like son!
Unplanned...Jason and Quinn have a very similar shirt:p
 Me & my monkey xo
Don't you just want to eat him up!?!
Walking??? This guy is ready to run!
Angel Baby went for his 9 month check up and is growing like a weed!
He now weighs 17 1/2 lbs. more than three times his birth weight!
Quinten's head is 45cm.
He is 27 1/2 inches tall!
9 New Things Quinten does at 9 Months...
1. Sleeps in his crib...FINALLY!
Quinn has slept in his own room since about the time he came home, but because of issues with reflux he slept in his inclined cradle...with his new found independence and moving skills increasing this worried us and he has finally adjusted to sleeping all night in his crib! (although he still gets up at least 2 times to eat, Mommy certainly looks forward to the day when he sleeps through the night!)
2. Kneels, Quinten started trying to pull himself up and kneels when he is playing with his bigger toys.
3. Eating puffs!
4. Getting ready to crawl...up on all fours he is started to realize he can move...often gets frustrated that he can't figure it out yet!
5. Conquered consonant sounds! We were laying around playing at the beach house one evening and all of a sudden Quinten started babbling like crazy "dadada mmmmm" he has been nonstop ever since!
6. Dancing! This kid definitely loves far the Bubble Guppies theme song and jazz are his favorites!
7. Waving...we are still working on this but Quinn will randomly wave goodbye.
8. Smacks his lips to make a sound.
9. Getting to be a pro at using his pincer grasp (picking small things up with his thumb and index finger).

9 Things Quinten Loves at 9 Months...
1. Table toys, he loves these new toys that are a little off the ground.
He has even started to pull himself up to standing with them.
2. Clapping, he gets very excited when you clap and then help him clap!
3. Theme song to the show Bubble Guppies!
4. Ball pit! At school they filled up a pool with plastic of Q's favorite new things to do at school.
5. Cinnamin:p
We started sprinkling some in his apples and sweet potatoes and he can't gobble them up fast enough.
6. Zebra book...taking a big interest in books in general, but Zebra definitely his favorite! Quinn and I bought this on our very first trip to Nordstroms when he was only a little over 1 month:)
7. Playing with his ears...he plays with them so much we thought he had an ear infection.
8. Drinking water out of a cup...although he dumps half of it on himself.
9. Rolling his tongue:p

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Some bunny's ready for Easter!

Easter was Wonderful!
 Quinn and I had fun with our Easter photoshoot!
Even Callie got in on the fun:)

We spent the rest of spring break at the beach with GM & GP Kurash and Uncle Michael (Kusheba)
The weather was perfect and we had a great time eating, laughing and playing!
Michael checking out all of Quinn's cool toys!

Quinn loving his new bunny from Grandpa Paul!

Laughing and playing!
Huh, what did you say...the turducken is ready!?!?

Tired after a lovely day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Play date at the Park

We kicked off Spring Break 2012 with a trip to the park.
Quinten and I met some friends from work and their kids.
As soon as we got there Quinten tried out the swings for the first time. I was a little apprehensive, not sure if he was big enough for it yet, but he seemed to like it...
until he noticed the bigger kids playing on the slides...
 Quinten couldn't keep his eyes off of them!
 After swinging Quinn spotted Leland's ball and tried to roll it back and forth!
 The park reached a whole new level of fun when Quinn spotted the giant abacus that he could sit and play with...
 He really enjoyed moving the balls...
 and loved when Paige popped her cute little face through the other side!
 These two couldn't get enough of each other...
Hey, wait...where did she go???
 Here I am Quinten!

 Of course we had to try the slide...or at least sit on it for a picture before we left!