Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What we have been up to...

Between figuring out how to get more space for pics on Q's site, summer ending and going back to work, and just enjoying family time, a lot of time has passed since our last post. Here is a little bit of what we have been doing and we will try to keep up to date on Q's happenings.

We had a fun filled summer of swimming, hanging out with friends and family, and learning new things. Quinten went on his first boat ride! He and I took the ferry over to Cape May to visit Andi, Scott, Aiden and Ainslie while they were up from Florida visiting. Q did great on the 1 1/2 hour boat ride. We explored the upper deck for a while then retreated to our car for a snack and nap time:) The kids had fun as Scott wheeled them off the beach in the wagon. We also had a fun filled weekend with our friends, Chris and Stephanie, who came to visit with their 16 month old daughter Ryleigh. It was so cute to see the kids play on the beach and in the tub together. We even managed to have a successful dinner out and hit the boardwalk one night. Quinten and Ryleigh went on their first carousel ride and had ice-cream! I left the camera these pics are on at the beach house:(

We celebrated Quinten's first birthday at Grandma and Grandpa's house in the Poconos.
Since he enjoys the water so much he had a fishbowl cake!
and some fishy cookies!
I wish I had a better picture of his 12 month banner, I was very happy with how it came.

Towards the end of the summer Quinten had some Daddy time for a few days. While they were home together Quinten learned how to give high 5s and stand with no hands! He had even taken a few steps at a time. He was really funny about it. Jason would say no hands and stick his hands in the air to show Q to stand without holding every time Q would stand or try to walk his hands were in the air! Quinten also started using a fork and has gotten really good at it and loves to feed himself! He is becoming more and more independent each day...not sure how I feel about that yet.
Our little fashionista asking to wear his Ernie shoes instead of Crocs:p
Can you say bedhead!
 Deciding what prize he wants to try to win at the Polish Festival!
Just monkeying around!

It only took being back at school a week with his friends before Quinten started walking. And walking has quickly turned into running which has made Q a much happier boy. We spent a long weekend at the beach and Quinn was practically running into the ocean. Some other new things Quinten does now are: says "ba" for ball and "da" for dog, says dada and mama, although he is getting better at communicating the language barrier is definitely a point of frustration at times for him. But he has started to use a few signs which has helped some. He also will answer questions with "yeah" or "na."  And has already started to to test his boundaries with things he can touch around the house. He is crazy about brushing his teeth, he often asks for his toothbrush and we try to brush twice a day! He knows where his and other peoples' head, belly and toes are...and of course where his pee pee is, hehe! He tries to put his own shoes and socks on and has started to tell me if he wants to wear a different pair. Quinten continues to be an excellent eater. He eats almost anything we do, which makes mealtime preparation easy, for Chef Jay! One of his favorites is dipping pretzels in hummus:) He loves anything that he can stack or take out/put in a container. Our favorite thing that he has started to do is "funny face." Quinten loves helping with daily chores emptying dishwasher, picking up clothes, handing me laundry. He also likes to stand in the back of a shopping cart and will hand the cashier things we are buying or my credit card! I guess we have an early shopper on our hands...wonder where he got that from HA! People always comment on how cute he is, his great blue eyes, and of course his silly personality. He often shows his "funny face" when we are out!
 Q doing his Frankenstein walk on the beach.
 Our little boy looks so grown up here!
No cavity creeps!

Here is a short video of Quinten walking and doing his infamous funny face:p
Sorry for the close up he likes to climb on me.

And here he is pretending to be sleepy!

It is hard to believe it is almost October, time flies for sure!
 We really had such an amazing summer and are so lucky to have been able to spend so much family time together! Being at the beach for the whole summer was awesome!!!
Now we are back up north and spending a few months with our friends Rocky and Nina, while the new house is being built. Here are a few pictures of our foundation. The house should be framed in another week and we will be going to our first walk through.
Footprint of house
Basement and garage
And the framing has begun!!!