Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

6 Months Old!!!

This is a long overdue post!
Quinten and I have both had a cold, so we have been a little out of the loop lately:(
But we have had an eventful couple of weeks nonetheless!
Quinten and I shared a birthday celebration last week!
 It was my bday and Quinten's 1/2 bday.
It is unbelievable that he is 6 months old did half a year go by??
When I think back through the past year, it is amazing how our little family has grown.
Since Quinn wasn't feeling well, I spent most of my birthday holding it was a wonderful day!
Jason and I had a lovely sushi dinner and he surprised me with the much coveted Nikon 1 camera.
Just another excuse to take more pictures!
 My parents came to visit over the weekend, which gave Jason and I the opportunity to go to our friend's, Lisa and Tim's, going away party, where we indulged in Apple Pie Moonshine:p
(They are moving to Sweden.)
We went to work on Monday, so Grandma Jeanne could Quinten sit!
Tuesday we had girl time!
My mom and I went for manicures and pedicures, out to lunch and shopping.
Then we picked Quinten up and took him to get his pictures taken.
We went to Picture People.
They did a great job...I think this may be the start to a new addiction.
You would never know by looking at the photos that Quinten was sick, missed his afternoon nap, and was hungry.
He had the BEST time! 
He was laughing and smiling the whole time we were there.

Quinten actually had 2 trips to the doctor this week. 
He had his 6 month check up.He did great! 
He already weighs 15 lbs. is 26 inches long and his head is 43 cm.
The doctor listened to his chest, since he had a little cold and said to keep an eye on him, he seemed okay. Towards the end of the week, his cough seemed to be bothering him more and he ran a slight fever. We brought him back to the doctor and they gave us a nebulizer...which looks more like a Nemo Scuba mask!
He takes his medicine like a trooper and doesn't seemed to bothered by having to wear it.

More pictures of this month!

6 New Things Quinten does at 6 Months...
1. Started eating solid food. Right now he has only tried cereal and sweet potatoes but seems to love them both!
2. Sitting up...almost. Quinn has managed to hold himself in the seated position for a few seconds before slumping forward.
3. Gives hugs! This is the best feeling, sometimes when you hold him, he will give a little squeeze.
4. Kisses...well...that mouth is headed for everything at this point...once in awhile he will land a big open mouth right on the side of your cheek:)
5. Drinks water out of a cup.
6. Goes to school! We have almost made a whole month. Quinten really seems to love being there with his teachers and new friends. 

6 Things Quinten Loves at 6 Months...
1. Dancing puppy far his favorite toy at this point.
2. Callie, Quinn has really become aware of his dog this month. 
(Not sure how he didn't notice the 106 lb. horse licking his face before this?!?)
3. Exer-saucer, luckily we have 2 at our house and they have several at school...I'm not sure if it is the fact that he likes standing or the toys attached but he LOVES being in these.
4. Getting tossed in the air or held up high!
5. Toys that light up and make noise.
6. Putting everything and anything in his mouth! 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Some of Q's favorite toys!

Quinten is growing into such a happy little boy!
He really enjoys playing and is always laughing and smiling.
He has become a huge fan of his exersaucer.
This week in his school book, his teacher Jennifer wrote that he loves the one at school as well!
Quinten is very detail oriented. He can often entertain himself for quite some time staring at a small item or inspecting the wrinkles on his fat little hands.
 His favorite part of the toy is the tag!
 It is super cool to watch him start to react to his toys, especially those that move and make noise.
One of his new favorites is his dancing puppy!
One of Q's favorite toys at school...he is already a great musician!
 We had a busy weekend. Quinten was not feeling great and had a hard time sleeping Saturday night.
We had computer troubles this week and spent 3 1/2 hours in the Apple store Saturday.
Quinten was a trooper he took a great nap and ate at the genius bar!
 We met Kara at Starbucks Sunday morning and spent the rest of the day resting!
Luckily we had Monday off to recharge for another fun filled week!
Quinten giggling in his seat at Starbucks:)
Taking a nap in the Big Bed!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy Bday Daddy & Q's 1st day of school.

Today was Jason's birthday!
It was also his first day back to work in over 6 weeks
Quinten's first day of school!
A big day for our little family.
We celebrated Jason's day with a yummy assortment of his favorite foods and desserts!
Quinten helped celebrate by having cereal...
I love how he turns back to Jason looking for more!

We all did surprisingly well on his first morning going to school.
Quinten had no issues at all, in fact he was the only baby not crying!
Because Jason is the drop off and I am the pick up,
we had hardly any crying too:)

Quinten smiles every morning when he sees his teachers and gets right down to business when it comes to playing with all of the new and exciting toys!
 Jason sends me a picture every morning when he drops him off.
At the end of the week, Quinten's teachers sent home his weekly journal.
This will act like a communication book throughout the school year and will come home on Fridays filled with pictures and stories about his week at school.
I thought I was going to have a harder time with Quinten starting the Education Enrichment Center, but so far, we love it. We have felt so comfortable and really like his teachers. Quinten is already eating so much more from his bottles and really seems to be enjoying his days!
We look forward to hearing about all the things he learns and friends he makes this year!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I apologize for taking awhile to get our holiday blog out, we have had a busy week!
Jason, Quinten and I headed to the Poconos the Friday before Christmas and stayed with GM & GP Kurash until Christmas morning. Then up to Connecticut to visit the Kusheba clan until Monday.
After that, we spent a few days in Wilmington and rang in the New Year in Rehoboth Beach!
    We had so much fun in the Poconos! 
Quinten enjoyed relaxing with Grandpa Bud (watching the ceiling fan!) and laughing and playing with Grandma Jeanne.
 He loves to be tickled and picked up into the air. He lets out squeals of delight which make all of us laugh!!! When he realizes how much enjoyment we get from his reactions he laughs even more.
It is amazing how he is interacting with everyone more and more!

Jason, Quinten and I had fun making a mess the night before we left making these Christmas tree cards for everyone.

 Jason had given me this cool ornament making keepsake. We rolled out clay and made imprints of Quinn's hands and feet. The kit came in a nice red box with a little plaque that Jason had engraved: 
                 Christmas 2011

One of my very best friends since high school, Lynn, and her son, Brody (3 years old) came over to visit Christmas Eve morning. The boys are already Best Buds! Hopefully they will form a life long friendship like their Mommies!
After Brody left, Quinten took a nap.
He has been singing himself to sleep lately. I guess it is his way of self soothing, but we find it so hysterical it is hard to not wake him with our laughter.
Quinten singing himself to sleep!

Quinten dressed up for our delicious Christmas Eve lobster dinner!
Quinten is already a typical kid...he couldn't sleep Christmas Eve night...
he we were up from 2:30am-4:30am.
I guess he couldn't wait to see what Santa (aka Grandma & Grandpa) bought!

Quinten gave Grandma a calendar full of pictures of himself:)
One of the many, many gifts Grandma & Grandpa gave Quinten was his Learning Puppy...
I think they "tested" this toy out quite a bit before wrapping!!! 
I love Christmas morning at my parents...this year it was even more amazing. It is unbelievable how much love a baby brings into a family!
Quinten truly is the greatest gift for all of us!
Although we did not want to leave the Poconos, 
we all looked forward to seeing the rest of our family at Aunt Jody and Uncle Paul's, in Connecticut.
Even Callie was excited to see her cousin, Honey!
(Thanks Uncle Michael for the giant bone!)
Quinten saying hello to Aunt Jody and hanging with Uncle Paul!

There were about 25 people at Jody and Paul's and the excitement of the day was a lot for our little guy!
Gramps has the magic touch when it comes to calming Quinten down. He loves when Gramps holds him and walks around, showing him all the lights.

The holiday was wonderful!
It was terrific to see everyone and we had a lovely time.
Quinten received SO many wonderful gifts, we are so blessed to have such a wonderful and generous family!
Merry Christmas, Love the Kushebas!

We loved visiting everyone, but after a few days away from home we were all ready to be back in our own beds...especially Quinten.
He slept so good our first night home.
He only woke up once to eat!

While we were home for a few days, Quinten and I snuck in a trip to visit my friend Jen and her new baby, Finn!
Jen's daughter, Paige, was very interested in what Quinten had to say!

We headed to the beach house for New Years Eve so Quinten could have his first friend sleepover with his other friend Finn!
Finn's mom, Lisa, and I met at the Mommy & Me classes when these little guys were just a few weeks old. We found out we lived only a few blocks from each other and quickly bonded over our many walks and pumpkin lattes! Since I went back to work, we have not been able to have as many playdates. So this was a great opportunity to catch up. It was so cool to see the boys interact and roll around on the floor together. They both have grown and changed so much in such a short time!
Chef Jay put out quite a spread.  In honor of Lisa, Tim and Finn moving to Sweden, Jason made Swedish meatballs and we had Swedish fish!
Once the kids went to sleep, 
we had a great time dancing, talking and celebrating the New Year! 
 We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2012!!