Family Picture

Family Picture

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hudson comes home!

     Many times over the past year and a half I wished I could go back and be that new mom again, to hold Quinten those first few hours, days, wish has pretty much come true. It is eery sometimes how much the boys look alike. Hudson has a longer head then Quinn, but his features and facial expressions are already so similar. When I hold Hudson or he makes a certain face it takes us right back to those first few months when we first had Quinten. It will be interesting to see as Hudson gets older if the similarities continue.

which is which?!?!
This time around I am a much more relaxed, confident mom. No longer that worry wart wondering has my baby eaten enough, is he gaining enough weight. When I think about how much of my day was consumed with feeding, talking about feeding, and worrying about feeding it is amazing I had time and energy to enjoy Quinten as much as I did.
     Having a full term baby that weighed a more typical weight was a much more relaxed way to start off. I remember Quinten not even getting fully cleaned off before the nurse gave him to Jason in the OR and literally threw him a bottle to get his sugar levels up. Then the poor baby had to be poked in the foot every few hours to make sure he was maintaining his sugar. The first few days months I was so hyper focused on how much he was eating, it is amazing how I functioned otherwise. And now we laugh at how much he eats! The kid has an endless appetite. Jason and I both like food, a lot...apparently so do our boys. It looks like Hudson is going to follow in his big brother's footsteps and also enjoy eating. At his first visit to the doctor he was already up a few ounces from his birth weight. 7.54! Jason and I laugh at how big our food bill is going to be in a few years:)
At Hudson's 2nd week doctor visit he weighed 8.3 lbs. on an empty stomach!
And he is in the 70% for height.
     One thing I hope Hudson doesn't take after is Quinten's sleeping patterns. Our first night without GM & GP 's help was interesting to say the least Jason and I didn't know if we were coming or going. I think we passed in the hallway 3 times. But this too is already getting easier. Quinten's sleep schedule was messed up since we left for the hospital and he woke up to find us gone and our neighbor Allison at our house in the middle of the night. He is getting better and called for Daddy last night which was an awesome change for all of us!
     We have taken quite a few trips out in the first three weeks of this little guys life. Another huge difference then when we first had Q. Because we need to keep him amused, staying home and relaxing everyday really isn't an option. To celebrate being one week old we took the boys to the Greek festival (okay so we really went for the delicious gyros) and the Italian festival both were right up the street from our old house. We have been on playdates to Luca's house, our neighbor, and went to Longwood Gardens with Luca and Domenic to play in the fountains. I have even ventured on a shopping trip by myself with the boys, and it was quite successful! We have also had some visitors (GM & GP, Grandma Kathy & Mark, Gramps & Aunt Jody, and Nancy). Quinten took a special liking to Aunt Jody. And for the first time kicked mommy out of the playroom so he could play with her by himself!!!

     As for Hudson he sleeps pretty much all day and night.  He is awake more lately during the day, but I stilll have to wake him to eat sometimes.  He's an angel and puts up with a lot of hugs, kisses and cuddles from Quinn. Quinten always is asking "Baby doe?" when Hudson is not in plain sight.  Hudson is already bigger then Quinten was after 1 1/2 months!  And getting bigger every day.  He has a full head of hair, which is a little lighter then Q's was but the same great blue eyes like their Daddy. He really only cries when he is hungry or has gas, and has real tears.  He also smiles a lot (when he's awake) and is great at holding his head up.  He's amazing and we're soooo happy!!

Quinten is learning how to hop, skip, and when he jumps his feet actually get off the ground about an inch. Daddy has also taught him how to do jumping jacks, push ups, and lunges. He loves to play with any truck, ball, blows bubbles, he climbs on everything, runs everywhere, and loves putting lids on things. He is a wiz with puzzles and is very good at cleaning up after himself. He often asks for the vacuum and will follow me around the house pretending to vacuum with his shopping cart.  He knows all animals and their sounds, can say the ABC up to G in order then he gets a little confused. sings many songs on his own (twinkle twinkle, row row, ashes ashes, rock the baby) although Old McDonald is still his very favorite. Also loves to dance, play with other kids, he loves guitars but his favorite toy by far his is lawn mower that blows bubbles.   
Here are pictures from the last few weeks.
We didn't take too many pictures of me while I was pregnant, but Jason managed to snap a quick one between contractions at the hospital while we waited to be admitted.
Born 1:55 am June 1, 2013.
Proud Daddy!

Ready to go home:)
Kisses from Mama & Bopa
Getting some rest!
Big brother always helping!
Ready for his first Greek festival trip.
Apparently Quinten already showed Hudson how to do funny face!
Playtime with Mommy's camera!
Quinten's new reading chair.
Grandma Kathy and Mark bought Q an awesome new tractor.
The kids!

Loving the new double stroller on our trip to Longwood.
Playing in the fountains with friends.
Our morning playdates have been helping a lot with nap time. Both boys have been going down at the same time (12:30 for Q, then feed H and put him down). Then I do stuff around the house for about an hour and then lay down. The boys have been sleeping for almost 3 hours which is wonderful!
We are so blessed with our new little angel and couldn't be happier!
Quinten is an amazing big brother, growing smarter and sillier everyday, and quite the fashionista!


Monday, June 3, 2013

Baby #2 on the way!!!!

I originally wrote this post Friday afternoon. Unfortunately I didn't get around to posting it and a few hours later baby #2 was on his way! 
After a few more hospital visits I starting working half days for a few weeks and then stopped altogether. With this warm weather we have been having it feels like I have a jump start on summer! Quinten and I are already enjoying our time outside playing in the neighborhood. 
At our latest doctor appointment they guesstimated baby weighs about 7.1 lbs. we will see in just a few short days how close they were. Doctor said everything looks great, the shots and everything we went through must have worked because we start 39 weeks tomorrow and are officially scheduled for delivery a'la c-section Monday at 9:15!!!! Stay tuned for updated family pics:)
Friday night I started having contractions yet again. I was apprehensive about making another trip to the hospital only to be sent back home. But after about 20 minutes I was 99% sure this was the real deal. With Quinten already in bed our main focus was what would be the least disruptive for him. Thanks to our wonderful neighbors Q was able to stay in bed. Allison came down and stayed at our house until GM & GP Kurash could get there. After a few hours of intense contractions my water broke and Jason and I were prepped for surgery. With Q I remember having a few contractions after my water broke but nothing like this!
Hudson was born at 1:55am on June 1, 2013. He weighed 7.5 lbs and 22 inches long. Exactly 2 lbs. 3 inches longer then his big brother. The doctors had a tough time getting him out because he was balled up pretty high. Luckily I didn't feel anything except pressure soon after the spinal. Hudson's face looked a little smooshy on one side because he was pushed up against my septum. His face has already started to even out so much and the pediatrician said within a few weeks he should be pretty symmetrical.
Quinten, Mama, and Bopa have come to visit. It is strange to be away from him but I know he is having the time of his life playing and keeping my parents on their toes.
He is already a fan of his baby brother and it will be interesting to see how he reacts once we go home.
I truly feel like the luckiest girl in the world!!!