Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, December 25, 2014

All Mommy wanted for Xmas was me!

Santa wasn't the only one who came to town this year!
Our precious Presley was born on December 18, 2015. 
Much like her brothers, Presley couldn't wait until our scheduled time at 9:15am. After celebrating a very late dinner for Bopa's birthday, my water ended up breaking at 3:00am and Presley was born at  6:23am weighing 6 lbs. 2.3 ozs. and was 21 inches tall. 
Daddy and Prez catching their first nap together!

Q picked out P's first Dollie! 
Holding his baby sister for the first time.
He is already completely in love with his new baby princess!

 Smirking when I told her we were going home to see her brothers!
 It is unbelievable how our hearts instantly found more love the second this sweet pea came into our world!
We all love you so much Presley!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Silly boys...

I know as their mommy I have a very biased opinion. But they really are good little boys. 3 1/2 is definitely a challenging age, Quinten is learning and testing limits all the time, but he is probably the sweetest little boy in the world. Nothing melts my heart more then when he grabs my chin with his little hand and says, "I love you so much mommy." And I forgot how much fun 1 1/2 is. Hudson keeps us laughing daily and is talking up a storm.  He is quite the little dare devil. Hudson has no problem climbing up on something and jumping or at least trying to jump off. I'm sure it won't be long, unfortunately, before we are visiting the ER for his first of many castes. Both boys seem to have had early language skills. Quinten has always spoken very clearly and sometimes it feels like your talking to an old man with some of the phrases he uses. Some of the things he says that I secretly wish he doesn't correct are mad mecs for magnets and he makes the "f" sound for "th" most commonly used for Dorthy, because of his new found love for the Wizard of Oz. As for Hudson, he already has such a vocabulary. Some of his everyday words are: Mommy, Daddy, Deenen, Cawee, Treasure, shsihy (fishy), Dickey (Mickey), Goofy, and Minnie. He calls Grandpa Bopa, just like Quinten did, and is obsessed with him. Hudson often picks up his pretend phone and says, "Hello Bopa." He also calls a bottle, a bobby, and will ask for "bobby peas" or say "bobby seat" meaning he wants to sit in his seat (nap nanny recliner) and drink a bottle...this kid knows how to relax! Water is wawa, and tells us "all done" when he wants to be finished eating. Hudson is already putting a few words together and has no problem communicating. He tries to repeat everything Quinten says and does. The boys are in love with each other. It is an amazing feeling to know they are always going to have each other to love, play, and hang out with.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

School Days!

We are SHOCKED!!!
Quinten's school pictures came back and our first thought was were they photoshopped?!?
He hasn't posed like this for a picture since her was a baby.
So handsome, although it did bring tears to my eyes because he looks like he is about 5 not 3.
My baby is getting so big!!!
 And as for Hudson, he enjoys some TV time in his favorite spot, while Q is at school!
 Posing for another picture with his best bud Callie Girl!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Spook-tacular Halloween!

The boys had SO much fun this year with Halloween! Hudson picked up the word "Spooky" somewhere and seem to be able to point out every halloween decoration saying spooky ghost every time!
After months of trying to convince Quinten that he could not dress up as Princess Elsa, he settled for Kristoff, of course his little sidekick had to be Olaf!
GM and GP cam down for the weekend to see the boys and help pass out treats!
Grandma was especially scary in her witch costume!
 Both boys made it walking all the way around our block!
This was huge compared to the couple of houses we hit last year.
Quinten had a Halloween parade at school and was delighted that his classmate Avery was dressed as Princess Elsa. Of course the two walked together!
 Here is Kristoff walking up to a neighbor to trick or treat!
Although the boys dumped their bags and were very excited that night with all of their loot, we are lucky that they aren't too crazy when it comes to asking for candy!
Hope everyone had a wonderfully fun holiday!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall fun!

Although we are clearly a summer beach family, I do enjoy the change of season. The smell of crisp leaves, fall decorations, and pumpkin everything are all welcome. We try to take an outing once a week to different farms and orchards. Here are some pictures from some recent visits to Coverdale Farm, Milburn and Linvilla Orchards.
 Playing in the pumpkins!
My boys!!!
(Only 2 more months until baby sister comes!)
Silly Boys!
 We spent Coverdale Farms Harvest Festival and between looking at the animals and creating crafts
we were all exhausted!

 The boys favorite part of Milburn is the tire mountain.
Milking the cow
  Quinten is currently OBSESSED with the movie Frozen right now. Obviously he is not afraid to show his feminine side:)
 Old McDonald's farm animals

We have also kept busy with lots of play dates and having friends over for dinner!
Hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Beginning a New School Year!

This is a big year for the Kusheba Family. Actually the past few have been quite busy with major events! This September I prepared to go back to work in a new teaching position and Quinten prepared to start school as well!
We enrolled him in Nazarene's 3 year old program, three mornings a week.
A lot of our neighbors attend Nazarene and it is only 1/4 mile from our house so we thought it was a great choice for him to start his education there.
Surprisingly enough, the school year kicked off without too much tear shed, from him anyway:)
Jason, Quinten, and I all had the opportunity to go in meet his teachers and some classmates and play in the classroom before his first big day.
He we also had homework right away, we had to decorate his school bag.
Quinn decided he wanted it to have Raffael, his favorite Ninja Turtle on it.
Daddy got right to work drawing and Quinten colored, traced his name, and adorned the other side with his giant "Q."
 Here is Quinn walking in on his first day of school.
It helped that his friend, Bella, was in the parking lot to greet him on his first day.
His teachers gave him "Smarties for the smartie" for a successful first day of school.
It is so strange to be sending our baby to school. He LOVES learning new things and comes home each day extremely excited to show us his "surprises" in his folder.
 While Q spends his days at school, Hudson has been having fun of his own. Although the first morning he seemed kind of lost without his best buddy around.
He put his shoes on and got ready to play, but paced around confused for a bit asking for "Din Din."
Hudson soon found things to keep himself happy and busy. 
He plays independently very good and had some playdates Q's first week, before he started going back to our neighbor's during the day.
 Here he is playing with one of his favorite friends, Domenic.
 Hudson also got his first big boy haircut. He did an excellent job, sitting on my lap smiling the whole time.
 Showing off his hair.
 A little shoe obsessed!
It is quite evident that both boys miss each other when the other is not around.
They usually ask for each other first thing before anyone else in the morning and always kiss each other good night (favorite part of my day is seeing Hudson waddle over to kiss Quinten goodnight).
But they make up for missed time by playing, cuddling, and of course bath time!