Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, January 31, 2014

Best Buds!

With all of our snow lately, we have been stuck in the house. Thank goodness we have so many friends living right on our street to play with. Here are a few pics from playdates.
Brotherly Love!
 Painting with Miss Bella!
 Lunch date with Ryleigh
 Ry and Q tickling Chunky Monkey!
Legos with Luca and Dominic!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tis the Season & 7 months

I know Christmas has come and gone, we have been so busy with work, playdates, and unfortunately we had the flu come through our house. I can not believe I am just now getting around to posting Christmas pictures.
It is amazing how much more enjoyable the holiday season is with children. We were amazed how excited and how much Quinten understood this year.
He loved waking up every morning to look for Elfie and all month would say "I want that from Santa."
He would randomly ask for different things that he saw, but the Toy Story guys stayed constant.
Christmas Eve and Christmas morning were the absolute best!
You could just feel the excitement in our house. GM & GP Kurash spent the night and we were all up early. Quinten was greeted at the bottom of the steps with his new train table from Mommy and Daddy.
He loved not only opening his presents but seeing everyone else open theirs too.
He definitely worked up an appetite and needed to take a break for his special Christmas breakfast,
a snowman donut.
He wasted no time and started playing with his new toys.
One of his favorites that gets played with at least once a day was his dentist play dough set.
Much like his mommy, he may be obsessed with teeth cleaning:)
Thank you so much Aunt Jody and Uncle Paul for my dentist play dough toy.
He certainly was tired after a few hours and needed a nap time with his "guys"
Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Grandma Kathy, and Mark for all of my Toy guys and pjs.
He has been playing nonstop and changed his jammies three times in one day!
He goes between being Woody and Buzz.
Santa hid a few more presents around the house to keep him going all day!
As for little guy, he had his 2nd ear infection this month and had to be on an antibiotic.
He is by far the happiest baby in the world. 
It is amazing how fast and how BIG he is getting. Quinten and Hudson continue to be best buds.
They just look at each other and laugh.
They love to play peek a boo behind the curtains.
Quinten is amazing when it comes to sharing his toys. And always says "when Hudson gets bigger and bigger he can play with everything with me." It really melts my heart.
I hope their friendship grows with them and they always remain close.
Here is our little blonde boy relaxing!
I love this picture of GM & GP with Hudson. 
They were on their way out and he was being silly naked baby!
Grandma and her boys!
We were sad to see them leave but were excited to have a visit from Gramps.
It was like a second Christmas for Q.
Luckily Gramps took it easy with his creative wrapping techniques;)
Love their new "Best Brother Ever" t-shirts, thanks Gramps.
Playing with car ramp Santa brought.
Gramps and his silly boys!
This past month Hudson has really grown and become more independent.
He was being so silly for him 7 month pics I couldn't pick just one:
At 7 months you…
~Weigh 22.3 lbs.
~still love standing up, can stand leaning on to something by yourself for a while
~still drooling like a maniac but no teeth
~sleeps on his side or belly
~size 4 diaper 9-12 month clothing
~laughs all the time
~eats 3-4 solids a day loves bananas, cereal, and yogurt but has tried lots of foods
~2 1-2 hour naps a day 9:30ish and 2:30ish
~falls asleep by himself in crib 7:15pm but prefers being rocked to sleep
~sleeps til about 7:00am, but wakes up 2x each night
~LOVES Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Peek a Boo, and splashing in the tub!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Silly Boys!

I know I haven't posted about Christmas morning has been a little hectic here between the chin injury and a visit to the doctor for Hudson (ear infection) we have all been taking turns with a nasty cold.
These two little princes through their sickness and injury manage to keep laughing. 
Daddy is working late tonight and Q and I decided to have a carpet picnic.
He is cracking me up. He keeps calling me Mama which he rarely does and it seems to be every third word.
Quinten: Mama read me this book peeze.
Mommy: You read it to me.
Quinten: But MAMA I don't know what the words say.
He is to freaking cute!!!! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A trip to the ER

Quinten was dancing like a maniac today and fell. He ended up with 5 stitches in his chin. He did an AMAZING job. Of course we were both scared and both shed some tears. But once the nurses showed him they had books and promised him an ice pop he did great. The doctor said he never had a patient hold so still, and they all couldn't believe he was only 2. He of course ate up all of the attention and flirted with the nurses. Seeing my baby getting stitched up was definitely the hardest thing ever, but I have a feeling with these two boys there will be more trips to the ER in our future! 
Here he is reading with one of the nurses, he looks so small on the big bed.
After a nice long nap and a few glasses of wine for Mommy, we were dancing around like it never happened!