Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend!

    We had a fun filled weekend! And were all exhausted by Monday morning.
Saturday Quinten and I drove up to Philly to met Kara, Megan and the kids. Q is usually standoffish in new places. However, the fact that Kara's dog Max was there, helped to let down his guard right away.
We visited the Fire Truck Museum while in Philly. Quinn had a great time running around checking out all of the old fire trucks.
 Putting on his shorts like a big boy!
Laughing at himself when he tried to walk and realized both legs were in the same leg whole!

     Mother's Day was wonderful. Quinn and Jason surprised me with flowers, a beautiful new bracelet and a delicious egg taco breakfast! Quinn did get upset when he realized there were no more presents to open...hmm. I wonder where he ever got the idea that there are unlimited presents sounds like a certain Mama & Bopa!
     Later in the day we had our weekly Sunday Funday with the neighbors. We cooked out with Shelly and John and the boys. Lorenzo and Allison joined us for desert and Quinn experienced his first ice pop. Although he wasn't to into eating it, he loved the fact that he had what the older boys had. Here are some poses of our little super heroes with their Rocket Pops!

I have so much the passed year and a half having Quinten in my life:) 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Springtime Fun!

     We have been meaning to update before the new baby arrives and things start to get even more hectic.  Quinn has had a great month and is getting smarter each day!  He talks so well and repeats everything.  He runs everywhere he goes; tries to climb up on everything and helps with several "chores" around the house. Emptying the dishwasher is one of his favorites. He cleans up after himself so good!  He loves playing with kids of all ages. He has become quite the little copy cat and keeps us laughing all of the time. 

     We are absolutely in love with our new neighborhood. With new houses going up all the time, there are constant tractors and bulldozers for Quinn to watch. He often gets his toy trucks and plays with them on the windowsill while he watches the construction workers outside. There are now about 2o kids on our street alone. 15 of them are under the age of 4 and about 10 of them are boys...craziness! Sundays have turned into neighborhood play day and we are happy to say our yard has turned into the place to be. It helps to be able to have Callie outside with everyone! We recently bought Quinn a sandbox, which seems to be a hit with several of the kids. 

Here are some pictures from this month...
Playing with his buddy John in the new sandbox.

Taking a time out to look at an airplane!

     Quinn is still has a very healthy appetite. He will still sit in his high chair for breakfast. At lunch (at school) they use a sticker chart. If the students stay in their chair the whole time they earn a sticker. We are happy to announce that positive rewards are a huge incentive with our little guy and he has earned all of his stickers so far (so all right they have only been using the chart for 4 days, but still...). Depending on our day and if we are all eating at the same time, dinner is often a carpet picnic in the living room. He does a very good job at using a spoon and feeding himself cereal and yogurt without making too much of a mess. Some of Q's favorite foods are bananas, waffles with jelly, cheese, avocados, hummus, pears, berries, yogurt and of course ketchup!
Enjoying some watermelon.
 This was his response when I asked him how his snack was!

     He is usually asleep by 8:30 at the latest and wakes up between 6 and 7:30. He still has a very silly personality, but does get extremely fussy when he is very hungry. At his last doctor visit (April 25) he weighed 26 lbs. Here are some more pictures of our silly monkey this month...
 Enjoying a trip to the museum!
 Watching the "tractor" across the street lift pieces of wood.
 Showing Callie the trucks.
 Being silly with sunglasses.
 I often find that my phone has lots of new pictures.
Here is the evidence that solves the "Who dun it!"

Playing with our neighbors is so much fun for the whole family but it does make it difficult to wake up and go to school the next day...Q's progression of waking up at 8am!
Hi Daddy!
But once he is awake and ready, he is begging to go to school to see his friends 
(Mia is still his best bud!)

As for Baby Boy #2...this has been quite the experience, knowing that there is a high chance of early delivery and having so many doctor visits has kept it interesting to say the least. Our most recent trip to the hospital was Friday. I started having contractions 2-3 minutes apart. Luckily the little monkey decided to hang out and "cook" a little longer and we were discharged after 5 hours of observation. Quinn doesn't fully get the idea that there is a baby coming. He knows where the baby's room is and will often play in there. When you ask him where is the baby, he tries to pull up my shirt and pat my belly. He loves other babies and is always pointing them out or waving to them.  I went for my 34 week measurements last week and the little guy weighed about 5 lbs. 12 oz. (Quinn weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. at birth 36 weeks) so this was great news! Right now we are scheduled for a c-section delivery on June 6, but the doctors seem to think he will be a May baby!