Santa wasn't the only one who came to town this year!
Our precious Presley was born on December 18, 2015.
Much like her brothers, Presley couldn't wait until our scheduled time at 9:15am. After celebrating a very late dinner for Bopa's birthday, my water ended up breaking at 3:00am and Presley was born at 6:23am weighing 6 lbs. 2.3 ozs. and was 21 inches tall.
Daddy and Prez catching their first nap together!
Q picked out P's first Dollie!
Holding his baby sister for the first time.He is already completely in love with his new baby princess!
Smirking when I told her we were going home to see her brothers!
It is unbelievable how our hearts instantly found more love the second this sweet pea came into our world!
We all love you so much Presley!