Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, June 30, 2014


 We decided to have a joint birthday party for the boys since their birthdays are so close. 
As you can see Mickey Mouse was the theme! We all had such a fun day and we thank all of our friends and family for helping us celebrate these to little monkeys on their special day!
Favor bags (I went a little Pinterest crazy with the help of GM.)
Hudson's smash cake
Thanks Grandma for all your help and delicious food!
Aunt Suzanne manning the grill.
Waiting not so patiently to open their presents.
 Make a wish!
Q pretended to blow out candles because it was a bit to breezey to keep them lit.
The bouncey house was awesome! Kids and adults enjoyed jumping, sliding, the obstacle course and basketball net inside!
Even Bopa got in on the fun!
One of Quinten's newest obsessions is swimming like a scuba guy...
or at least looking like one!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Happy 1st Bday Hudson!

I can not believe a whole year has gone by. We truly have enjoyed every minute of Hudson's life so far. I think anyone who has met him can agree he is just the happiest baby little boy!?!
Other then being tired or hungry he laughs and smiles all day long.
I could not enjoy you more my sweet baby boy, Happy Birthday!

At 12 Months you…
-weigh 25.5 lbs. (94%)
- 2 feet 8.5 inches tall (100%) for height
-wear size 6 diapers
-have taken a few independent steps, the first were walking to Grandpa of course!
-clearly say hiya, Dada, & Mama, but try to mimic the sounds of many other words (du for duck)
-pat your belly when we ask you where it is
-dance whenever you hear music
-love your stacking ring toy
-you hair turned very blonde, probably from all the time on the beach
-take great naps on the beach
-somedays only take 1 (3 hour) nap, but will take 2 naps most days
-go to bed at 8:00pm and wake up anywhere from 6:30-8:00am