Halloween has come and gone.
Jason outdid himself with our jack-o-lanterns this year.
This picture doesn't do them justice.
The one on the right is biting a smaller jack-o-lantern.
Here is a better picture of the middle one. It is a white skull pumpkin inside of the cracking jack-o-lantern.
We had to decide who would stay home and who would take our little pirate trick or treating. Jason stayed at the house with our treats, to include apple pie moonshine, for the parents that were out and about. Q and I made our way around the development.
He much more enjoyed seeing all the kids come to our house.
Hudson on the other hand, had a rough Halloween week.
He seemed a little fussy on Tuesday, which is very out of his character, so I knew something was up. On Wednesday he woke up with a puffy eye. I took him right to the doctor and they determined it was caused by a cold settling in his ear.
This is what it looked like the day we went to the doctor.
Two days later and some antibiotics and it was already going back to normal.
We managed to get a few trips in to orchards this fall. Q loves going to the "farm" to see the animals and pumpkins.
I started back to work this month, which has been bitter sweet. Our neighbor, Allison, is watching the boys which we all love. Quinten tells me to go to work so he can go play at her house, extremely different then him screaming getting dropped off at school.
We are all adjusting fairly well, except for the sleep deprivation thing.
I am not happy when I don't have a few hours of sleep in the morning and Hudson has gotten into a routine of waking up hungry near 4am, which means that's what time I get up for the day, not fun!
By the time I get the boys after school everyone is over stimulated and over tired.
So weekdays have been tough.
Thank goodness for the weekends!
Everyone sleeps better and is in much better moods.
It is unbelievable that Hudson is already 5 months. He is the sweetest baby! He spends most of his days laughing, smiling and watching his big brother.
Trying to hold his own bottle.
Already loving standing in the walker and moves backwards when he is in it.
We had a visit from Rocky and Nina this weekend.
Crazy to think it was a year ago that they were gracious enough to let us live there while our house was being built. CRAZY!!!
We also took a ride up to Connecticut to celebrate Aunt Jody's 50th bday.
Here she is listening to Hudson "talk" while Q loves Honey.
Checking out Honey's crate.
Gramps & Hudson
Some other pictures from this month...
We recently misplaced Hudson's Sophie Giraffe and he is beside himself:(
Luckly he doesn't stay upset for very long!
Who is walking who?!?
Hudson has tried cereal, bananas and avocado.
He loves his bottles but hasn't embraced food like Q did at this age.
Bath time is becoming more and more fun with kicking and splashing water all over.
Apparently this striped shirt wasn't decorated enough. Soon after getting dressed, he went in his playroom and came out with his own design!
This is after his very first haircut without crying!!!
Loving the green hair gel.
The lady that cut his hair was named Rosa, incidentally so is our cleaning lady...
I think he thought is was the same person that's why he didn't shed a tear:)
At 5 months you...
~love standing up
~rolls over from belly to back
~drooling like a maniac
~size 3 diaper 6-9 month clothing
~kick your legs in bathtub
~smiles almost all day
~not sleeping good at all:(
~growing lots of blonde hair
~happiest baby ever!!!!