This is a long overdue post!
Quinten and I have both had a cold, so we have been a little out of the loop lately:(
But we have had an eventful couple of weeks nonetheless!
Quinten and I shared a birthday celebration last week!
It was my bday and Quinten's 1/2 bday.
It is unbelievable that he is 6 months old did half a year go by??
When I think back through the past year, it is amazing how our little family has grown.
Since Quinn wasn't feeling well, I spent most of my birthday holding it was a wonderful day!
Jason and I had a lovely sushi dinner and he surprised me with the much coveted Nikon 1 camera.
Just another excuse to take more pictures!
My parents came to visit over the weekend, which gave Jason and I the opportunity to go to our friend's, Lisa and Tim's, going away party, where we indulged in Apple Pie Moonshine:p
(They are moving to Sweden.)
(They are moving to Sweden.)
We went to work on Monday, so Grandma Jeanne could Quinten sit!
Tuesday we had girl time!
My mom and I went for manicures and pedicures, out to lunch and shopping.
Then we picked Quinten up and took him to get his pictures taken.
We went to Picture People.
They did a great job...I think this may be the start to a new addiction.
You would never know by looking at the photos that Quinten was sick, missed his afternoon nap, and was hungry.
He had the BEST time!
He was laughing and smiling the whole time we were there.
Quinten actually had 2 trips to the doctor this week.
He had his 6 month check up.He did great!
He already weighs 15 lbs. is 26 inches long and his head is 43 cm.
The doctor listened to his chest, since he had a little cold and said to keep an eye on him, he seemed okay. Towards the end of the week, his cough seemed to be bothering him more and he ran a slight fever. We brought him back to the doctor and they gave us a nebulizer...which looks more like a Nemo Scuba mask!
He takes his medicine like a trooper and doesn't seemed to bothered by having to wear it.
6 New Things Quinten does at 6 Months...
1. Started eating solid food. Right now he has only tried cereal and sweet potatoes but seems to love them both!
2. Sitting up...almost. Quinn has managed to hold himself in the seated position for a few seconds before slumping forward.
3. Gives hugs! This is the best feeling, sometimes when you hold him, he will give a little squeeze.
4. Kisses...well...that mouth is headed for everything at this point...once in awhile he will land a big open mouth right on the side of your cheek:)
5. Drinks water out of a cup.
6. Goes to school! We have almost made a whole month. Quinten really seems to love being there with his teachers and new friends.
6 Things Quinten Loves at 6 Months...
1. Dancing puppy far his favorite toy at this point.
2. Callie, Quinn has really become aware of his dog this month.
(Not sure how he didn't notice the 106 lb. horse licking his face before this?!?)
3. Exer-saucer, luckily we have 2 at our house and they have several at school...I'm not sure if it is the fact that he likes standing or the toys attached but he LOVES being in these.
4. Getting tossed in the air or held up high!
5. Toys that light up and make noise.
6. Putting everything and anything in his mouth!