October 19 - November 18
We've had a very busy month!
Q is talking up a storm!
As it gets a little cooler outside we have been putting hats on Quinn. They look SO adorable on him. My mom and I had picked up this pumpkin hat, long before Q came along and he wears it everywhere we go. People really seem to get a kick out of themselves when they say,
"aw look at the little pumpkin!"
We went to Millsboro Pumpkin Patch, it was PACKED!!! Truth be told we went soley for the apple cider donuts! Delish!
We did get some apples which Chef Jay turned into a lovely apple pie. We even managed to pick out a pumpkin which he later carved into Quinn's first Jack-o-Lantern!
Somebody's ready for Trick or Treaters!
We went to our friends Lisa and Finn's house for a Halloween playdate!
I think the playdate was more for the mommies to catch up and enjoy our pumpkin lattes:p
Finn slept and Quinn should have been sleeping.
Our friends Kelie and Michael and their twins, Elle and Gianna, came trick or treating to our house later in the day.
Callie enjoyed chasing these fabulous cats around the house!
Snow for Halloween?!?
My cousin Gina's daughter, Ella, is turning 1 and they were planning a costume party. Of course the mere idea of dressing up for Halloween got me and Jason excited. And to think now we have this great accessory...a baby! How can we incorporate him into our crazy costume ideas?
Popeye, Olive Oyl and Swee Pea of course!
And if you know Jay and I well, it's not Halloween unless we make our on costumes so I got my Suzy Homemaker on and got to work!
Unfortunately for Gina and Ella the weather was not cooperating with their plans and the party was postponed and then cancelled:(
Since GM & GP had planned on seeing Q at the party...you guessed it, back to the Poconos!
Who do you think is having more fun here?
GM tired Q out!
Check out the smirk on "Grandpa's sidekick's" face...trouble!
GP Bud and the kids!
We all love visiting, but being home is nice, even Quinten thought so.
As soon as we got home, I put him in his crib and from downstairs Jason could hear his squeals and first signs of real laughter...the fish!
He really was HAPPY to be back in his room.
Quinten and I met my girlfriends, Nancy, and Liza for lunch today at Potbelly's (yummy salad).
Quinten was so good (thank goodness for the ceiling fan) and it was awesome to catch up with both of them. Liza and I hadn't seen each other since right after college.
All of the talking must have tired Q out because he was asleep before we left the parking garage.
Today was the first day he started to hold onto a few toys.
As you can see he wasn't letting anyone take his Sophie the giraffe!
The next day we met Kelie at Terrain, one of my very favorite places. It is so peaceful there and I knew Q would enjoy the day.
Quinn flirting with Kelie
(Happy Bday AL)
Jason had off today and we had a jam packed day!
Callie went to the vet first thing in the morning. She has always been a very lean dog and the vet always compliments what a nice job we are doing...until now!
As soon as Dr. Coogan walked in the examining room his exact words were...
"somebody's getting chunky!"
105.5 lbs.
I guess with me being home all day she has been getting many more cookies than she used to, plus we don't want her to feel like she has taken the back seat now that Quinn is around.
String bean diet it is, sorry Cal!
After the vet, it was my turn to go to the dentist. The boys dropped me off and got the truck washed. Then it was off to visit Quinten's school. Although he doesn't start until January we wanted to take him in a few times before that to meet the teachers and see how he would do.
It is so crazy to think we have been on the list for this school since April, way before Q ever came along!
He seems to be very curious. He was looking all around, smiling, and taking it all in.
Quinten is already a very observant little boy!
After leaving the school, my parents met us at the house and we all headed for the beach!
Jason's dad, Paul, also headed down to spend the weekend with us.
It was the annual closing of the Starboard.
GM & GP babysat while Jay, Paul and I met up with some friends. It was fun to get out but we spent the majority of the night showing off pictures of Q!
Mom and I did manage to get some outlet shopping in, while the guys entertained Quinten.
Guy Time!
Quinten sitting like a big boy in his beach rocking chair.
Thanks Aunt Rae!
Again, happy to be home with his friends!
Having tummy time with his other ocean friends (Thanks Donna!)
We went to the doctor November 1st. Both the lactation consultant and Dr. Walter were shocked that I was still feeding Q so many times throughout the day.
(Shocked that he wanted to eat and that I wasn't a walking zombie after 4 months of keeping up with this. Does this doctor need glasses?!? I sure feel like a zombie. Chapstick and mascara work wonders! As my mom would say, "it's all about the presentation!"
The doctor explained that we have a VERY smart little boy (which of course we all already knew, duh!)
He said that Quinn had taught himself that by only eating a little bit (1.5 oz at a time) the reflux wouldn't be bad. The problem with that was he gets hungry often and can't sleep for long periods of time. Dr. Walter suggested we try Prevacid. Although I am not a fan of medicine (especially for my little angel baby) we are less fans of him being in any kind of discomfort.
We go back to the doctor on the 18th.
November 14th - November 18th
This is my last week at home with Quinten. Jason is staying home with him until Christmas break, which makes me going back to work a lot easier. I look forward to getting back to my students and having more adult conversations throughout my day. But I know I am going to miss my little boyfriend like crazy!
I can't believe he is 4 months old already. Most days flew by us so quickly. I definitely tried to enjoy every second of being with him, even when he was being Mr. Fussy Pants! I am SO thankful for the time I had home with him.
I said to Jason about two weeks ago that I wish we were slackers.
Both being overachievers, I think we tried to over prepare before Quinten came. Of course we both wanted to be the best possible parents we could be, we read and reread so many books.
The problem with that is most books contradict one another and all babies are different. I sometimes forgot that I am the best possible mommy for Quinten because I love him so much!
At the beginning of the month I called my mom, on one of my marathon walks. I was stressing because the only way Q was taking a long nap was when I was holding him and the books say you shouldn't do that. Some of the best advice she ever gave me was, "first of all the people who write those books probably don't even have babies! And second is it important to you for Quinn to nap on his own?"
I decided right then NO!
I had 2 more weeks home with him and I want to hold him every possible second I could. In just a few short months he will be squirming all over and probably won't want me to hold him this much.
Once I admitted that to myself, I put the books on a shelf and a complete calmness came over me and Quinten.
We have had the best two weeks! Running errands, visiting my school and typing this blog.
As you can see Quinn likes to lay across my lap while I type and stretch his neck to look at the pictures on his wall, his ABC blanket and yup...his fish!
We went to the doctor this morning. Quinten now weighs 13.4lbs!!!
Can you say meatball???
No wonder I had to get cortizone shots in my wrist last week from picking him up!
The HUGE news is...
He jumped from the 25 percentile to the 60th in length, in just 2 months.
He grew 3 inches and is now 25 inches long.
Dr. Walter said, Quinten probably had 2 growth spurts during that time, which also could have accounted for some of the fussiness.
His head circumference is 41 1/2 cm which is in the 40%
The newest medicine seems to be really helping and Quinten has been
He had to get a few shots but did great and his blue camo bandaids just coincidentally happen to match the outfit he had on:)
4 new things Quinten does at 4 months... 1. Quinten is "talking" more and more everyday, we can sit and have conversations for quite awhile.
2. Not only does he like to talk but he seems to love the sound of mommy and daddy's voices. When Jason gets home after work, Q's head whips around to get a glimpse of his daddy!
3. Towards the end of the month Q started to let out his first sounds of laughter. Of course as soon as we hear him, we start laughing which only makes him more excited! Things that make him laugh the most are when people make funny noises at him, kissing his neck and yup...the fish!
4. Q's favorite new toy...his hands. Not only did he realize they are at the end of his arms but he loves to hold them together and sucking on them is even better! He can't seem to get enough of his hands.
1. He loves when you sing to him some of his favorites are "You are My Sunshine,"(especially at nap time) "If your Happy and You Know It" and "Shout" (Tears for Fears, HA!)
2. Quinten continues to love bath time. He gets a bath and baby massage every night before bed and he really seems to relax and enjoy himself. (I guess once he figures out that he can kick his legs and splash the water, it won't be as soothing).
3. Although he hasn't found them on his own yet, Quinten loves when you kiss and pretend to eat his toes:) He lets out little squeals when you call him stinky feet:p
4. His room, Quinten LOVES LOVES LOVES his room! Whether he is looking at his fish mobile, his ABC blanket or the pictures on his wall, he LOVES it!